Guys i need a help with one girl

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Stefan Anevski, Jun 22, 2017.

  1. Stefan Anevski

    Stefan Anevski Fapstronaut

    Guys before 1 week i meet one girl with which i was texting a long time ago and now we are in relationship, but we just have seen one time and she is coming on monday and i want to make out with her, but don't know how to come to that situation. What have to do, to make her funny or what? If someone have time and explain me i will be very greatful, because it's my first time to get a girlfriend and it's my first chance to make out with a girl.
  2. Kuiperbelt

    Kuiperbelt Fapstronaut

    Just let it happen naturally. Don't think about it. You are using the idea of making out like an urge. Just let the energy of both of you flow and you will know when the time is right and it will just happen.
  3. Vilcox

    Vilcox Fapstronaut

    My ex-girlfriend did not understand me. When we first dated, I was frozen in terror to do something wrong or say something wrong. I masturbated excessively before every new date with her, and basically just let her talk and direct what we were doing until she started kissing me. She misinterpreted the sense of sheer terror I was feeling with aloofness.

    Given that, it helped that I was not really attracted by her. I just allowed nature to go its course because I needed a girlfriend to appear as normal.
    Stefan Anevski likes this.
  4. Stefan Anevski

    Stefan Anevski Fapstronaut

    Yeah bro, i will do that as well. Just will let go all things to time and will see what will happen.
  5. Vilcox

    Vilcox Fapstronaut

    Do not follow my advice.

    I do not work as a normal human being.

    I am not a man, even though I have a man's body. I am a formless amoeba, and whatever shame might have existed once within me is since long gone.

    And girls like me when they *don't* understand me. It's when they understand me that they either react with disgust or fear.