Feeling proud, still long journey ahead

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by IM here, Feb 24, 2019.

  1. IM here

    IM here Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone...
    I've been stuck in this bad place for more than i can remember, maybe ten years or more, everyday feeling the same guilt that i promise myself that would leave it the next day, eventhough i had no idea about the consecounses that i would suffer later, it always felt wrong.
    Im 27 years old, 8 months ago had my first sex ever, i was terrified, having very hard to get an E eventhough the girl was so hot, it took alot of time to reach an E and even more time to get an O, it happend in the end but i was so scared and knew there was sth wrong.
    Before, i tried to go PMO free a couple of times without knowing th noFapp community, the longest streak was 22 days and relapsed so bad then, this time when was on 20 days streak and getting strong urges, needed somthing to keep me going, found noFapp and on my 35'th day today the longest streak i had so far, i spend a lot of time reading your stories guys, keep it up.
    WE CAN DO IT!!
    Sam99 likes this.
  2. Sam99

    Sam99 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Dont give up! We are stronger here all together!
    IM here likes this.