Ever think you can balance your PMO?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by CheekoMeeko, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. CheekoMeeko

    CheekoMeeko Fapstronaut

    I've realized that thinking I can balance PMO is a fantasy. Life is much better without it and last year I went an entire month PMO free, (it was hard but felt amazing) but on day 31 , I slipped up. AT WORK! But that's a story for another time. When I broke my streak I still felt all of the benefits of nofap. They remained. So later that week, I assumed I was well enough to handle watching porn again but...nope! Porn will wait patiently for it's time to strike. I wrote this after (hopefully my last) walk of shame from my bedroom to the bathroom and this month of binging has turned my room as well my mind to mush. My room stinks, it smells like sex all the time! In fact, yesterday my mom wrote a message on the fridge: "God is the head of this home, that means he Sees and Hears you. Amen!" That could mean anything but the fact that my room stinks like hot dick and she's constantly buying air fresheners for the room... Whatever, I wont think about it. Anyways, how are you guys handling coming to terms with this new reality that porn is bad?
    AlienOverlord likes this.
  2. HappyDaysAreHereAgain

    HappyDaysAreHereAgain Fapstronaut

    I've come to terms with it by leaving it alone, 24-7 each week.
  3. J247

    J247 Fapstronaut

    Pretty good. Pretty nice once you hit the flatline too. Like even though I can fantasize about an old porn (which I push out of my head immediately), there's literally no arousal from it. I know I'll be happy from this change, and my future wife will be too. Whoever she might be.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2017
    HappyDaysAreHereAgain likes this.
  4. p_fighter

    p_fighter Fapstronaut

    Hello fellow fighter,

    I can just be sure that that new reality without porn is the best way to go. It leads you to a better life. Porn is bad. Period. This fact is proven by a large amount of scientific evidence. The industry sells it very different and at some point I have also thought that "well, it's not that bad..." But the truth is that it will not make your life any better and will consume your time and energy, giving you no more rewards than some moments of artificial gratification.

    Today can be the day when you stop doing that forever. Keep in mind that it will be hard, even there might be times of doubt and failure but at the end and keeping the goal in mind, you'll get free of that habit.

    Besides being bad for my own well-being, there are many reasons why I decided to quit it. One of them is that porn industry is damaging many lives, it harms people psychologically to such extent that there are reports from people trying to commit suicide.

    Find yourself a reason and you'll make your way out easier.

    Cheers and keep clean
    Noobotron52 likes this.