Day 26 and this happened!!!

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Goosehendrix, May 15, 2017.

  1. Goosehendrix

    Goosehendrix Fapstronaut

    So I started my nofap journey in the hopes of going a month without porn and masturbating and also rewiring my brain to go crazy for a human partner. One bonus is before nofap I used to have delayed/ no ejaculation with a real partner unless I used my hand and now I can O with a partner. I never had ED issues but I'm not 100% sure about PIED now that I've been on the journey.

    Since I started I have relapsed once, about a week in. I was depressed and out of habit pmod. I went through a bit of a flatline and have been in it I think ever since. The next day even my penis got so limp, lifeless and shriveled up. My girlfriend and I can barely keep our hands off each other and the plan was always to have sex through this process. I have told her everything about my addiction and the effects of nofap and she's been super supportive. Anyway currently I feel good and the first time we had sex I was like superman. We have had sex a few times since then and my penis feels kinda back to normal. I get morning wood at about 75% but since those first superpowers the sex has been at about 80% at best and it may take me a few tries. I get bombers when we kiss and fool around but I'm nowhere near getting one from seeing a hot girl walk past or anything like that.

    My questions are;

    How long will this last, this 75% state and will I ever get to raging boyhood wood?

    Will things get worse at any point going forward?

    DO I have PIED cause I'm sure I'll get aroused to porn but I'm 75% with my partner atm. How and should u even test this?

    Does having sex set me back in terms of my recovery? Am I just rushing the process.

    Sorry for being so candid and my questions being all over the place. Also sorry if I used any inappropriate language, still getting a hang of being part of the community. Any help anyone Cavan give will be truly appreciated.

    Raven86 likes this.
  2. Duke of Gine

    Duke of Gine Fapstronaut

    Sex does not set you back. Sex with a SO is healthy and normal and good.

    Porn is bad. It is a lie and it kills real love