Anyone miss life before smartphones?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Kman20, Jan 15, 2019.

  1. Innervision

    Innervision Fapstronaut

    What do you guys think one should do to avoid all that negative consequences of misuse that smartphones almost force us to suffer? I mean, If you don't wanna just throw it off and live without it.
    Kman20 likes this.
  2. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    How I’m doing it is I only use it to text and talk to people (only when I’m alone I don’t text people when I have company). That’s how I used to live and that’s the proper way I believe we should be using the internet to connect.
    Innervision likes this.
  3. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    I can relate to what you mention here and it really shows what people are there just for a show and who are there to actually get and/or remain healthy and building long-term physical and mental strength. The Gym is an interesting and sad place simultaneously. There are always plenty of fake-alpha males who try to look buff (with no strength in their lower body) and show up who try to look cool while simultaneously stumbling and unable to look me and other dudes in the eyes. Although my arms are not huge, I still have an overall athletic body which I carry with pride, good posture and a strong body language. That is probably one reason for why random people (many of whom I have never seen before) greet me as I am walking by.
    My estimate is that 75%+ who are there don't know much about exercise, fitness and proper diet at all since they mostly train within their comfort zone and too often just copy what their peers are doing (which is rarely the uncomfortable and effective way). When you see them week after week for a few months, they don't seem to have gained any fitness at all which really brings some truth to the saying "No pain no gain".
    It is also sad to see that a staggering 80% (or more) do bring their phones into the Gym which is the main source of distraction. It is pathetic to watch these people who can't even workout for a measly 25-30 minutes without being plugged into their phones. This indicates a weakened psyche/mind who has constantly to be fed this kind of dopamine continuously. The same people will never be capable of achieving success in any aspect of life because success requires self-discipline, self-control, focus and being 100% present in the moment while executing the tasks.
    You will never get any ideas or gain any dedication from constantly being distracted and these people never seem to figure it out because they are never living in the present moment.
    Summer Son, Kman20 and Innervision like this.
  4. honestly everyone should ditch their phones, i have not had one for months and i feel so free, it also makes you think more because when everyone is sitting their on there phone you have all this time to be creative and use your brain productively, while everyone else is numbing their minds.
    Kman20 and Innervision like this.
  5. It’s too late. The ongoing march of technological advancement is unstoppable.
  6. Marik757

    Marik757 Fapstronaut

    No, I dont miss life before smartphone... as a kid I grew up with dial-up internet and had over protective parents.

    Dont get me wrong though on the subject. My parents tried their best to provide to me what they never had. They said my generation is spoiled and I dont blame them. Growing up I had an virgin mobile flip phone. My parents never had cell phones growing up. Now kids these days have the latest phones... it's sick.

    Apparently if you dont have an FB, snapchat account you arent normal....
  7. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    How have you felt feel ? I’m just curious. I want to know the benefits.
  8. amazing bro, like before all day i would just be on my smartphone, if i got bored phone, it hurt my sleeping to because i was on it all night, and whenever i would visit places thats all i would do, it gives you a feeling of freedom honestly, like not having to text people or call people back, it makes me feel free. And not having one makes me more productive because without it i have to do something to make me not bored.
    Kman20 likes this.
  9. JakeWoods

    JakeWoods Fapstronaut

    “Anyone miss life before smartphones?”

    I often think of this, not just smartphones though. Also things like Netflix, YouTube, Facebook... basically all social media.

    Everything is instant these days, instant noodles, movies on demand etc... All of it is instant gratification and instant gratification really messes your brain up. It stops you from appreciating things and makes everything that’s normal seem boring. Why would you want to sit in your living room and watch tv with your family when you have to sit through ads, scroll through tv channels or walk to a video store and rent a movie when you can just go on Netflix and click whatever the hell you want. The choice seems simple right? Yet it’s the worse choice.

    I miss the days of huddling up on the sofa, next to friends or family getting so involved in the show that’s on the tv. Then when the adverts come on you’d have to run into the kitchen or the toilet with the rest of your friends screaming at you to hurry back or “you’re gonna miss the show!”

    I honestly believe that if the world abolished smartphones and all things like Netflix, social media and so on. The world would be a much happier place. Humans evolved to be social creatures. Unfortunately the instant gratification and the constant never ending novelty of social media far outpowers any dopamine release your brain will get from a simple conversation. But... if you got rid of technology. A simple conversation would be so satisfying!
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2019
    Summer Son, Innervision and Kman20 like this.
  10. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    I freaking love your comment. Exactly how I feel. I miss the days with my friends and family where we’d play games together on one screen and just have fun. Now when we hung out two of us woild be playing and the rest would be on their phones. Or with the tv only a few would be watching and the rest would be glued to their phones. It really takes away the interaction.

    I want to go back to huddling up in a living room with friends or family. No phones. Just a tv, a fireplace, and food. And of course good present company. It’s no wonder we were so happy back then. That’s how we were supposed to be. Socializing with each other on a normal dopamine baseline.
    JakeWoods likes this.
  11. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    Times were much more simple back in the day. People are so obsessed with technology it amazes me. Technology makes life much more difficult since a lot of people are stuck on their phones, tablets, or PCs that they don't have any time for real life activities, such as spending time with friends. That's why I barely go onto NoFap since it's all online, and when I do I just put my opinions on threads like these or give newcomers some kind words since folks here really need the positive energy. I can't tell you how many times I've walked with old friends (many of which aren't my friends anymore ever since the start of my NoFap journey) and we'd talk and they'd whip out their phones while we're talking in a group. Also driving while texting is a big thing now, and it amazes me how people are so inconsiderate of other folks lives and possessions that they think it's a good idea to take their eyes off the road and text or post a picture of themselves on snapchat. I use my phone for a couple things, monitor my daily intake of food, contact my friends/family, research topics, and play music. I also only have one social media and that's instagram, which I barely go on anyways and when I do I just post car related things. During my journey I've dated a few girls who were so addicted with Instagram that they'd post sexual pictures of themselves to get likes, and that was a major turn off for me since it showed how low of self esteem and confidence they have and plus it feels cucky as f*ck when they post pics of themselves like that and there's horny men who post explicit comments wanting to f*ck her. Instant gratification and instant satisfaction is why people are addicted to the smart phones, gadgets in general, and video games. I love spending time in the real world doing productive things that will benefit me and those close to me. I hope other people do too. Thank you, and have a great day everyone!
    Innervision likes this.
  12. LEPAGE

    LEPAGE Fapstronaut

    Yes. I remember being far more social before these touch screen cell phones, and the Internet in general.

    On a side note, I'm disappointed in the way cell phones have progressed. Where are the Get Smart style phones? Shoes should also be phones!
  13. Sam78

    Sam78 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I remember as well, people were a lot closer before smartphones and the internet in general...
  14. motion2082

    motion2082 Fapstronaut

    The iPod liberated and killed music, the iPhone created social media and took away the fun of living in the present moment. Don't get me started on music festivals. Now everyone has their phone out recording everything. You can't have a good time without it being broadcast to all your fake friends on social media. I feel sorry for the kids that have so many dodgy drugs being thrown at them. Isn't it bad enough your friend will take selfies and flaunt their narsacistic lives on instagram anyway.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2019
    Kman20 likes this.
  15. "The iPhone created social media and took away the fun of living in the present moment." This. I read that the teen depression rate has skyrocketed to up to 63%! But I still use YouTube for homework help, haha.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2019
    Kman20 likes this.
  16. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    I think using youtube for homework help is perfectly fine lol. It’s not detrimental to us st all if you use it in that way I think. Who would have thought though that social media would actually make us less social.
  17. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    True. It’s so sad, I’m done with social media. Who would have thought that the creation of social media would make everyone less social. We’re more into this cyber world than our actual world. I only use my phone and apps to text people. Not show off my life.
  18. motion2082

    motion2082 Fapstronaut

    Probably a little harsh towards the smartphone. It's easier to get stuff done on the go. I watch youtube on my smartphone also but I don't like to use my smartphone in public unless I really have too. Doesn't surprise me about depression. My 27 year old brother hasn't left house for 4 years...literally. He play video games in his room. Has no job, no career goals, no life goals, no real friends, no social media account. It's really sad!
    Kman20 likes this.
  19. motion2082

    motion2082 Fapstronaut

    Social media has made us lazy. Why call someone to ask how they are when you can stalk them on facebook and know everything without having to pick up the telephone.
  20. Itsmeagain

    Itsmeagain Fapstronaut

    I'm 45 yo and I do have a work-provided blackberry. There is definitively no way I could actually use it for personal "touchy" stuff or blatant P, as the network is monitored. I do NOT own a smartphone.
    My first phone was a motorola RAZR flip phone. Back in the day, phones were to talk to people and barely for taking the odd very low rez, people seem addicted to "likes", to the next answer to your previous texts, etc

    My daughter is 18 yo and gone from the nest now. When she was with us, she wouldn't sleep much at night. Instead, she would spend the night talking to strangers while gulping energy drinks. She dropped out of school, even though she had great marks, jsut because of tiredness of not sleeping...I used to cut the wifi at night, but there she would freak out like a fury...I found it was pretty fun to get her going, but in the end, its was a shitty ambiance in the house....
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2019
    Kman20 likes this.