Anxiety after 100+ anyone?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Guysavi, Jul 28, 2019.

  1. Guysavi

    Guysavi Fapstronaut

    Hello people.
    I'm beyond 150 days rn i guess. And I've been having severe panic attacks since last 2,3 weeks. I'm also starting to realize that there is some intrinsic mental issue with me, which porn/fapping didn't let come on surface during the pas decade. I'm 24 rn. Maybe I'm wrong. And it's Paws.. But what actually is paws and how long does it lasts? I don't really crave porn as of now. And tbh it's probably the last thing on my mind.

    Can anyone relate?
  2. InflammatoryResponse

    InflammatoryResponse Fapstronaut


    i've felt the kind of 'panic' that comes from having too much energy, and not enough power to concentrate, to USE that energy. yes that is uncomfortable.

    i've also know the panic attack that comes from demonic attack, the name 'Panic' means to be attacked by the demon Pan.
    but of course, it's probably not Pan, they dont want you to know the true name of the demon attacking you. they don't want you to know who it is, lest you take revenge on their people, on behalf of whom they carry out their wicked abominations.

    yes as your aura becomes TOO powerful, you will experience really crazy shit, the panic comes from the fact they COULD kill you easily but see you as thing to toy with mostly, scare the bejesus out of. and boy can they scare the bejesus out of you, but at same time they prefer not to make themselves obvious, it is usually done below the conscious level
    hairlesschewbacca likes this.
  3. Sam_ba

    Sam_ba Fapstronaut

    Congtats for coming here
    Could you give some more description?
    Maybe have a look at @Strength And Light journal (basic instinct) it s filled with great insights about dealing with panic attacks.

    I wish you success
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2019
  4. hairlesschewbacca

    hairlesschewbacca Fapstronaut

    I’ve felt this anxiety as well brother. I try to lift weights 5 X a week, High intensity cardio 2 X a week, low intense cardio 2 X week, and hot yoga 1-2 X a week to combat it and this tends to help me. I know it’s a lot of working out for any normal person but I just have to fight extra to not give into my demons.

    What I believe it is, is my body getting use to testosterone attaching to androgen receptors more frequently and my hormone levels repairing. In addition I used PMO to self medicate some of my problems and I’ve had to open to my therapist more now in order to find the best version of myself.
    testwarz and Alex1993 like this.
  5. InflammatoryResponse

    InflammatoryResponse Fapstronaut

    there is a thread about diabetes and porn, does porn cause diabetes or exacerbate blood sugar problems?

    he said cortisol remains high after excessive masturbation, and that is a BIG factor I feel. cortisol blocks insulin, which REALLY screws your whole system up.

    i think, that the INFLAMMATORY RESPONSE to stresses, like muscle repair or even chemical stresses, actually makes you feel 'horny' but it is not 'true horniness' it is a kind of compulsive horniness to resolve inflammation.

    that is part of the chemical/physiological mechanism, the psychological mechanism is big part too

    but what you said, that the testosterone is not being absorbed right and just floating around and triggering too much, that was good.

    it's almost like, there is a general break down of cellular intelligence, that they don't know what to do. the cells become stupid. they lose their will to live and work.
  6. hairlesschewbacca

    hairlesschewbacca Fapstronaut

    Porn indirectly may cause diabetes and blood sugar problems through weight gain. I think your going to be ok. Your body is getting use to your new hormone levels.

    Did you PMO during puberty by chance?
    testwarz likes this.
  7. InflammatoryResponse

    InflammatoryResponse Fapstronaut

    yes my brother taught me to masturbate at really young age, i think that was very bad for me, i don't know for sure but thats a general belief. like 5 or 6 i don't remember he went totally nuts when he was in high school. probably from masturbating but I don't know, i dont think it's soley masturbation but i could be wrong.

    i think that early development of organs, blood vessels is all sublimated sexual energy you know. i got high grades, was very smart, good memory, good athlete, started on football, basketball, baseball teams, MVP's won every game for years, etc, etc. still just something felt wrong, i don't know i just believe it's masturbation too early but....who knows i might have become really violent if not for that so

    i believed this movie was about me,but only for a few seconds, so i don't think it means im crazy

    I believe Satan possessed my brother and taught me to jerk off in order to steal my mojo.

    I know for fact satan can travel back in time and possess people and alter the timeline.
  8. fellowBrother

    fellowBrother Fapstronaut

    Hey the panic attacks and anxiety go away. I'm on day 86. Horny as a rabbit and I feel good. Just hate these crazy urges
    hairlesschewbacca and Sam_ba like this.
  9. shamrock19

    shamrock19 Fapstronaut

    When did yours go away?
    testwarz likes this.
  10. fellowBrother

    fellowBrother Fapstronaut

    gradually from day 40-60. They slow down and then stop completely. I know it can seem hopeless brother, but it take it from somone who is on the other side looking in, it will get better. Just find things to get your mind off of it. Play games. Go exercise. Watch youtube. Hang with friends. Do things that completely take your mind off of everything and get immersed in it. That's what helped me. I believe in you bro. You can do this
  11. DeepParkWater

    DeepParkWater Fapstronaut

    Id say if you havent already take time to think about why you used porn to self medicate in the first place. Thats the underlying issue you need to address in another way is it to replace real interaction is it based off of a certain trauma?

    Meditation helps a lot to relieve anxiety, not only does it clear your thoughts but it helps you become more centered, increases grey matter over time, and increases neuroplasticity.

    Diet could be another factor too if you can muster the strength going low carb for a while can help because high carb diets filled with gluten have the precursor to serotonin. Higher levels of serotonin can cause anxiety. I imagine your brains reshuffling its neurochemical balance atm which is why youre having these symptoms
  12. Guysavi

    Guysavi Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the elucidation, could you help with the meditation thing? i youtubed, and i could only find deep belly breathing thing. Am i on the right path or is there something else that's called meditation? (Ps. i do deep breathing)
    Plus, i'm also doing intermittent fasting to lose weight, so hopefully that'd help with Serotonin.
  13. DeepParkWater

    DeepParkWater Fapstronaut

    Kudos to you for doing IF its difficult but the health rewards are tremendous. In terms of meditations id start with looking up guided meditations or just meditation music in general. Use that a springboard to figure out what works for you.

    Personally i use the meditation musics with binaural beats to help me clear my.mind and work through internal conflicts. If you really want to work with different hand placements and stuff theres plenty of resources just do a google search.

    This clip explains in lamens terms what chakras are which is a central concept in meditation. I personally found it really useful for processing grief as it parallels the stages you need to go through psychologically.

    Best of luck find what works for you and keep doing whatever works
  14. clapas

    clapas Fapstronaut

    That's really interesting. How do you notice it?
  15. hairlesschewbacca

    hairlesschewbacca Fapstronaut

    Because I PMO’d during puberty as a way to self medicate for crazy hormones. Now my strength gains have been through the roof since I started nofap compared to the 3 previous months of lifting weights. My hair is growing much faster and thicker than normal with anger being a symptom as well. All signs of puberty.
  16. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    I also notice this a few times a day. I'll get aggravated over the most trivial things, and what's weird about that is I'm naturally a very stoic person who can regulate his emotions well. Not only that, but there isn't even anybody around to aggravate me in the first place because I live alone, so when I get in a toxic mood, it was caused merely by my own thoughts.
    hairlesschewbacca likes this.
  17. hairlesschewbacca

    hairlesschewbacca Fapstronaut

    What you will also realize about nofap, alcholics anonymous and drug rehab is they tend to reveal deeper issues about ourselves. We basically used PMO for years to self medicate underlining problems and then we find we need to fix other areas of our life nofap can’t. I’m not saying this is particular in your case, but Its possible you are finding frustration with yourself while living a lonely life. Take care of yourself brother.
    clapas and Mr. Kruger like this.
  18. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    Absolutely. I've had a few problems with substance abuse in the past, but I've got those under control now. Fapping and substances are just tarps that people use to cover up unresolved issues.