Another UK Wankanought ;P

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Tantalus, Jul 30, 2018.

  1. Tantalus

    Tantalus Fapstronaut

    Day one in the No Wanking House.....
    seems there are a few here from Blighty, but fewer than I expected. I am on a mission to break the choke-hold this crap has on my life. I have cycled trough all kinds of porn, getting more extreme, more risky in the escalation to make each new high higher than the last high

    Now it is desperation, isolation, and empty pursuit: what the Buddhists call the hungry ghosts, they can never be satiated and are doomed to spent eternity eating without ever being full
    I was going to named myself Sisyphus but that was taken so Tantalus will do: both from Greek legend and both doomed to an eternity of torment.
    Thankfully I am much more optimistic than my username suggests: the pursuit of PMO is the doomed existence, a high that can never be reached , a search that has no end, an endless journey with no destination.

    So Tantalus will do . I am present.

    Greek mythological figure, most famous for his eternal punishment in Tartarus. He was made to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches, with the fruit ever eluding his grasp, and the water always receding before he could take a drink.
    JoePineapples and Nightbynight like this.
  2. Nightbynight

    Nightbynight Fapstronaut

    Welcome, I am new here to and have found it extremely useful as there is both support and an avenue to get your thoughts out.
    Where in the uk are you from?
  3. Tantalus

    Tantalus Fapstronaut

    hey NbyN. South West, Devon by the sea ..and you? There is a UK group but little happening in it, we should kick-off a few threads there
  4. JoePineapples

    JoePineapples Fapstronaut

    Welcome aboard Tantalus… I'm from the UK too. Best of luck mate.
  5. Tantalus

    Tantalus Fapstronaut

    Thanks JP, read a bit of your stuff. It is a wicked web this stuff weaves. Some time on this place is probably a good investment in avoidance. From experience, being mindful of the malaise is better than succumbing to complacency. Right brain often beats left brain and normally when it is least expected. Taking time to pause engages the more critical hemisphere and can contain the monkey: that is how I see this place. An exercise in intentionality, a statement of being mindful and being minded.

    Good luck, there is power in connection, affiliation and shared intent. The power of the collective is bigger than the sum of our individual efforts.
    JoePineapples likes this.