90 days complete, now for the next 90!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by AD_UK, Dec 29, 2015.

  1. AD_UK

    AD_UK Fapstronaut

    Hey guys! Today is a very special day for me. Today is my 90th day of rebooting. Today is my final day of the 90 day challenge! And I feel great!

    I won't lie, the 'superpowers' aren't noticable any more. They were after say 20 something days and I noticed a great difference for a number of weeks but now they're just a part of my life. I'd say the biggest improvement for me would be the lack of brain fog I know have. I'm able to focus much more clearly on things too.

    My PIED is still not completely fixed, although I have seen some improvements. This could be down to the fact that whilst I have not been watching P or 'M'ing, I have been having sex with my girlfriend. She knows all about my issues and she's supportive - really helps having her on side. I also acknowledge that it could yet be another 90 days or so before my ED is completely fixed, but that's fine with me. Progress is better than no progress, right?

    I won't lie, this abstaining is difficult at times. But please, if you take anything from this post let it be this;

    Your brain will try to rationalise your use of P and tell you that it's ok to do it just once or just to look and not M but trust me, it doesn't work like that. The feeling the day after knowing that you've gone even just one more day is so much better than the momentary feeling you get when using PMO. And let me tell you, sex is so good. I never remember it being so good, it's honestly like quitting PMO has opened up this whole new world for me and I'm honestly having the best sex of my life! Guys, just stick with it! This works, I promise you!

    One issue I have had is that I've been suffering with premature ejaculation. But apparently that can be a side effect of quitting PMO and over time it subsides so I guess I'll just put up with that for now.

    If anybody reads this and has any questions, please just ask away and I'll answer to the best of my knowledge.

    Keep fighting the good fight brothers and stay strong.

  2. Heffe

    Heffe Guest

    Wow! Great job man! Someday I hope to be in a similar position as you. Keep up the great work, don't quit now!
  3. Fappernator

    Fappernator Fapstronaut

    **Just wanted to say i talk about sex, don't go into massive detail so it should not make anyone relapse**

    Great work man! Diet plays a big role in ED as i found out...So maybe look into that! Regards to premature ejaculation, try reverse kegels along with your normal kegels and this should also help but sex is not always a race, i find if I'm just relaxed and i don't go full on jack hammer when having sex i last reasonably long compared to my before 1-2 minute self ha! Just change up the tempo, if you feel llike your going to pop, just rest it all inside her or just use the first third of your dick.

    I notice when my girl is on top i can pop in about 30 seconds seriously if i don't control myself! So it's just letting your GF no aswell, and tell them to tease you and take it slow, you can always use your strength and pull their hips down so they stop the movement temporarily. I think it's all about letting each other no what you each like, what really excites you and just feel for each others body, you will start to know when each other are getting close to the edge and you can both help each other then.

    Hope this helps dude.
    Lucky1 and Andrew14 like this.
  4. AD_UK

    AD_UK Fapstronaut

    Hey Fappernator, thanks for the advice! Unfortunately me ED still isn't fixed and in all honesty I haven't been able to be intimate in over a month now so I can't put any of this to use. When it does work, I find I have to go at it quite quickly or I lose it completely. And I've never done kegels - I've read about them a lot on here but never actually done them myself, do they work?

    Heffe - thanks man, I don't plan on giving up any time soon! Just stick at it and you'll be here before you know it.
  5. Fappernator

    Fappernator Fapstronaut

    Yeah I think kegels helped dude...can't say for definite as I've been doing a lot of different things to improve my testostorone as well.

    Check your diet! That's a really important part, I go be when I was lacking carbs it happened more to me, just eat as much whole foods as well, lots of greens, healthy fats...check out my journal I describe what I do to help all this.
  6. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    Grats on your 90! Keep the faith, I'm looking up to you. Can't wait to make it to 90. Quite the accomplishment. I found this forum because of research on ED. I'm also a little premature when I get involved with the wife. I found that I was loading my mind with ideas and fantasies, which made me more excited during the act. My brain was over arousing myself, which led me to premature I think. Keep loving your GF! It's more natural than anything PMO can offer.
    Lucky1 likes this.
  7. im_alive

    im_alive Fapstronaut

    Well done @AD_UK ! Thanks for posting.
  8. Engedi1

    Engedi1 Fapstronaut

    Great post and super congrats on 90 days. I can't wait until I can say the same. Also, I too have found myself with PIED and PE and in my case it is due to my divorce last year. I hadn't had an encounter with a real woman for about a year until New Years eve at an amazing party and I found that I couldn't maintain an erection but came while soft, and too soon. This wasn't the ego boost I was hoping it would be to say the least. I am hoping to cure my PIED as 38 is way to young to lose my libido and to not be able to have a relationship with a real woman.
  9. AD_UK

    AD_UK Fapstronaut

    Fappernator - Yeah I'll give kegels a shot then, thanks! Also, my diet is semi clean anyway. I invest a fair amount of time in working out and I'd say probably 60% of my foods come from whole sources although I am currently trying to completely clean up, but yeah thanks for the heads up man and I'll be sure to check out your journal! Hope you're well!

    Engedi - Yeah I'm doing everything I can to stick with this process and to cure my PIED and PE - I'm only 24! I also have the same issues with going soft and am able to finish like that which isn't all that reassuring but I suppose things have to get worse before they get better right? Hope your progress continues, keep at it and everything will work out eventually!

    Ikindaknew - thank you for the positive words. I hope you find yourself on the right path my friend and we can all beat this!
  10. Engedi1

    Engedi1 Fapstronaut

    Fappernator. I also have low T. I do not want to do HT therapy, which I did for a while. It is not an ideal solution and has risks, and is super expensive. I am trying to improve it now with excercise, lower car diet with mostly whole foods, boron, ashwaganda, zinc and overall vitamin and mineral support. What are you doing?
  11. Engedi1

    Engedi1 Fapstronaut

    And how do men do kegels?
  12. Thrivelife

    Thrivelife Fapstronaut

    I don't have time to write a lengthy post, but I got over PE a couple years ago. Took some effort and trial and error. Feel free to message me if you need. I'm 27 fyi, so similar age-range. The book i used was "the multi-orgasmic man"
    Lucky1 likes this.
  13. Andyst343

    Andyst343 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations to you AD-UK, well done hope I get where you are. I have one question= you said about the super powers, did you mean you are getting used to them now but still have them?? Or they have disappeared?? Also I just broke my 34 day streak, but I started to feel so different so much better and confident. and hoping this is the way we are supposed to feel, a lot of guys talk about feeling completely different person and staying that way. I find this is something that drives me. sorry to write so much.. well done to you again.
  14. AD_UK

    AD_UK Fapstronaut


    Hey man, thanks! The whole thing I found with these 'super powers' was that I just got used to them being there. Once you begin to see the world (and most importantly, women) in a different light you gain such respect for everything. And as you begin to come out of your shell you do indeed feel more confident in yourself and I will be honest, I have noticed a little more attention. Just catching a few eyes looking toward me. But maybe they always were, it's just my eyes were staring at the ground. Nut now I hold my head up, I'm proud of who I am and what I'm doing to change my life. Porn addiction is probably one of the worst because it's invisible and not really known of too well. Of course, none of this extra 'attention' really matters to me as I do have a girlfriend who I am completely invested in and her too with me, but yes, I did notice the difference. I feel much more confident to put my views across too and find that I keep eye contact much easier now without feeling like I need to look away.

    As for breaking your streak, don't worry about it. Relapses do happen - at the end of the day this is an addiction. Just try to learn from it and don't let that one relapse turn into a binge and next time you feel like you need to relapse - just think about why you started this journey in the first place. We all have that end goal and that vision of the person we want to be at the end of this. That's what keeps me going.
    Ploutos, Andyst343 and Charles 95 like this.
  15. Charles 95

    Charles 95 Fapstronaut

    Hey AD! You seem to be taking full advantage of no fapping for 90 days, hope I can do the same. What were the superpowers you were talking about though? Ive heard of them but not fully understood. Ive started my streak since Saturday, first time
  16. Andyst343

    Andyst343 Fapstronaut

    Thanks AD-UK for reply, good words and advice, and yes I have a goal and big motivation for doing this. Thanks again, and well done.
  17. AD_UK

    AD_UK Fapstronaut

    Hey man! Most people (including myself) tend to suffer from social anxieties (feeling uncomfortable conversing with new people, not being able to keep eye contact etc.), depression, a lack of confidence with women and something called 'brain fog' (being unable to concentrate for prolonged periods of time and finding it difficult to learn and recall things. I can say that all of these things have disappeared. I now have no anxieties whatsoever, no spats of depression (last one was almost 2 months ago) and am finding it much easier to concentrate and set my mind on what is in front of me. I am also much more confident in myself.

    Hope this helps, any other questions you have just fire away. I'd be happy to help if I can!
  18. adam1992

    adam1992 Fapstronaut

  19. MrMosh

    MrMosh Fapstronaut

    Excellent work. If you don't mind my asking, how old are you? Is it more difficult to stop PMO when you are younger? I'm in my twenties and finding it relentlessly difficult. I've messed up 3 times already in 9 days... I also find each mess up makes continuing even harder. Any advice on how to power through this phase?
  20. Fappernator

    Fappernator Fapstronaut

    Yeah I wouldn't recommend the therapy...my approach with Anything is always check your lifestyle choices.

    Yeah similar to you, I would also add in vitamin d. Make sure your sugar content is low, go for crucificious veg like broccoli, cabbage then spinach etc.

    Sprints are good for raising test also, I'm not a fan of no carb diet it lowers test for me.

    Then there's also fasting approach so lean gains style...16 hour fast 8 hours to eat