30 DAYS! Mostly physical benefits!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by LordReshi7121999, Feb 20, 2019.

  1. So I managed 30 days straight without fapping. While I haven't experienced the change in mentality or focus but the one thing I can definitely observe is the physical improvement.
    Just a tip for anyone who is starting a new streak: Exercise is the answer to dragging your mind off porn. Could be anything like gym, swimming, cycling, football...whatever. But training your body is probably the most rewarding long term journey you can accomplish.
    I used to go to the gym a year ago but had to focus on my studies so I kind of left it midway. So recently, about 40 days ago or so, I rejoined the gym. And you will not see the results probably before 30 days atleast but it really racks up pretty quickly. It usually takes me some time to rest my muscles, probably a day or two. This was my scenario in the first week of gym. I was tired and honestly, even sore at times. However since the last 10 days or so, my body recovers very fast. I did my workout and my muscles relaxed within hours. I feel more energetic, more active. Pushing your body and most importantly your mind, to do something necessary when you don't feel like it, is the time when you actually progress. Those moments reiterate the feeling that you are stronger than your pathetic excuses. You might be tired af, but thinking that you would end up really sore after an exercise and skipping it altogether is not the answer. Do whatever it is, whether it is your tuition, some classes, your workout, etc. And you will at the very least feel relieved to have completed that task today, rather than pushing it for tomorrow!
    Just really happy and excited and looking forward to the next *success story*. Forgive me if I have rambled on only about exercise and jumbled up some incoherent thoughts together but I have a gazillion things to share and a 30 day success story just isn't the right place for it! Stay strong brothers, ask me anything if you feel like it! :)
  2. good job!, how is your eating, healthy or bad?, also are you doing thinks like cold showers, meditation, hobbies.
    LordReshi7121999 likes this.
  3. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    Good work bro I got 30days too recently and also go gym.

    The muscle soreness is what happens when you workout after a long period of not working out. The reduction in soreness happens because your body becomes more used to it. This isn't due to PMO. Other than that, good work and keep it up
    LordReshi7121999 likes this.
  4. Nothing of that sort yet. Idk but I'm just really focussed on one thing (getting fit in my case). It helps a lot to just focus on one obsession. Recently I have decided to completely avoid cold drinks/ soft drinks of any sort at all. And I can literally end bottles of coke without stopping if I get in the mood. So the last 5-6 days I've focussed on not drinking cold drinks. I substituted that with cold water, i.e. if I ever get the urge to have a cold drink, instead I buy a chewing gum and cold water. It occupies the mouth and I reach home without any significant discomfort. Plus it has shifted my mind from thinking about avoiding porn.
    It takes time but you need to have this one goal in your mind. Anything you want to focus on, but fitness is something that occupies you, tires you out and unlike studying or working, you can actually have fun with your gym buddies/friends while you're exercising. I'm cutting down on cold drinks, then bread, deep fried foods a little by little every month or so. So eventually I'll be eating healthy stuff :p
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2019
  5. Yeah definitely. But like I actually feel more energy and it's very stable...it's hard to explain unless you feel it for yourself.
    Recently I had to work a lot and I sleep at 11 at night. Since I had a holiday the next day, I watched a very late night match from 1-4 am. Still couldn't sleep so I was watching a bit of YouTube till 5 in the morning (And I don't intend on doing this again and again). Since my dad wakes up at 5 everyday, I switched off the mobile and slept till 7:30 when my mom woke me up. She did not know that I had slept for 2.5 hours obviously. And I felt tipsy, a bit heavy headed for about an hour or so. But after that I felt completely normal. I spent the day studying, did some gaming in the afternoon because I feel really sleepy during that time, went to walk with my friends the whole evening, even went to the gym (it felt a bit heavy but still manageable). And slept tightly at 11.
    Had I fapped this week, I would have felt dead even after 10 hours of sleep at the very least, not to mention feeling sleepy the rest of the day as well. Without any intention to accomplish anything meaningful in life at all.
    It's a very good kind of energetic feeling. It gives you the confidence to do any activity you want to with the knowledge that your reserves are full and there's a lot of energy left in your tank now. Plus my heart's not beating like crazy every time I run 10-20 metres or so.
  6. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    I do get good workouts and pumps now that's for sure, and I think I am more energetic (but I can't remember how it was when I PMOd)
    Might be a side effect of eating a lot atm though
    LordReshi7121999 likes this.
  7. control your life

    control your life Distinguished Fapstronaut

    congrats on 1 month ! yah ,i agree ,the exercise is a must for everyone ,no exception!
    LordReshi7121999 likes this.