Post published by timetomoveforward88

Been a strange few days grappling with my mind. I’m almost on 4 weeks, but the last week has been the hardest so far. There is a sense of loss, that sounds weird but on a level I don’t want to stop PMO and then I remind myself how negative this addiction is and why I’m stopping. Being present and increasing my awareness, being with the frustration and craving and trying to let it pass is hard. There is a part that wants this to be over so that I can enjoy PMO again, like eating junk food after a workout.
Vedas_fr more_vert
I was in the same spot as you and then left myself indulge, because i thought that it was my body telling me to release the pressure. However i regreted it as i experienced post ejaculatory symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety and weakness... i think something is wrong with my body. Do you get those symptoms too?