Withdrawl or not?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Batboy123, Jan 13, 2018.

  1. Batboy123

    Batboy123 Fapstronaut

    I have finally been being honest with my wife, and told her EVERYTHING i can remember... (she wants to know everything)

    I have been honest about my flashback images etc.
    I left work early on Thursday because i was having a panic attack and felt like i was surrounded by women.
    Having flash back after flashback.
    so i decided to take a week off.
    here's what ive been experiencing over the last two days.
    -flooding of flash backs ( which ive been actively fighting off)
    -i feel like my brain is under attack,
    - its grasping at anything it can
    - im panicky
    -i feel like my brain is in a free fall and trying to suck me with it.

    is this common?
    have you felt this?
    How long does it usually last?
    what can i do to help besides (fight off images and cold showers)?

  2. Redwood763

    Redwood763 Fapstronaut

    Yes, this is common, I am almost 4 days in and I have been having the most intense, visual flashbacks to porn. Before I started my 90 challenge when I was watching daily and PMO, I never had a single flashback. But now, my brain is like "Here are images of everything you have seen on the web". It literally feels like there are women and men nude all around me when the flashback occurs, and they are getting more intense. I bet this is a symptom and I just gotta push through.
  3. ac1909

    ac1909 Fapstronaut

    today marks my 21 days and just recently started all those withdrawal symptoms. im wanting to google names, body parts, or amything so i can see what i find thats close or is porn. I remember always doing that and the urges come. I get flashbacks so damn often and it sucks. But you really do have to push theough and the hardest thing is finding things that will motivatey iu at this stage. Im personally just trying to keep myself busy, and positive. Im a man of faith so through prayer ive felt so much better and relievd of my urges and look to the future. But more condtsntly than ever in this withdrawal time, im feeling all of those symptons basically all day lkng. IT SUCKS but i know it gets hetter
  4. LonerWolf

    LonerWolf Fapstronaut

    Now thats a good thing. The more painful recovery is, the more fucked your brain is.
    GG2002 and ac1909 like this.
  5. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Your brain is rewiring itself, and all those emotions you failed to deal with and pushed down with PMO all those years are coming to the surface. And you have lost your way to deal with bad feelings. What would you have done int he past if you felt this way? Likely you would have engaged in PMO. So often what you are feeling now is not new, you just dealt with it and pushed it down. Learning to feel these things and develop new healthy coping mechanisms is a huge part of recovery. It’s not just the physical aspect of things.
  6. Batboy123

    Batboy123 Fapstronaut

    Is it ok to fill my mind, and this vacuum that has been created, with positive thoughts and memories of my wife in a non-sexual and a sexual way? I don't know what's right, if I should keep the sexual thoughts to a minimum of her, or none at all.
  7. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Does everyone get what TC gets or no?
  8. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    In a non sexual way yes. But I would avoid all sexual thoughts if you can. Find something to do with your mind. What do you enjoy?