Why Dating Older Men is Better for Me

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by atrueloveme, Oct 4, 2017.

  1. atrueloveme

    atrueloveme New Fapstronaut

    I always come up with the same problem when I date men my age or even younger than me - they always want to be mothered. It makes me think they were looking for a mother instead of a girlfriend. I’ve had enough, so I packed my bags and said my goodbyes.

    I thought I was done dating. Then I met the most charming gentleman that made me stop swearing off love after being hurt by my experiences. Problem was, he was 15 years my senior, and to be honest, that scared me a little. He was different from the men I’ve dated. That was a good thing. We were able to openly discuss about the age gap as it is the first time for either of us to date much younger or older.

    His age was an advantage for me because he’s mature and more put together. He has a “been there, done that” vibe that’s easy to lean on, so it was comforting when I was going through buying my first home, investing, and everything that goes with being an adult.

    My man is certainly above-average looking, and I’m okay with women flirting with him, because, well, who wouldn’t?! He carries the silver fox, Clooney-esque, sophisticated suave vibe really well.

    I'm not perfect, so there really are days where I feel really inadequate. I compare myself to older women closer to his age, and how I'm not as successful, as experienced or as put together as them. He’s aware of this, and that’s why he comforts me and reassures me that he chose me.

    Basically, I'm a better person because of him. I was sort of a mess before him. I was into partying, drugs and stupid shit. When I found myself falling for him, I changed myself and cleaned up my act. Mind you, he didn't ask this from me. It just came to me that he deserves better so I changed my tune to better match him.

    All the things he's done in our relationship is for us and he's not playing around. Mostly because he's 50 and he's too tired to play around for nothing. Thanks to him, I feel beautiful, smart and sexy. My self-esteem has never been better in years.

    TL;DR I really think dating older men is more fruitful. Do you disagree, or are you in the same boat as me?
  2. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    How old are you? I thought dating an older man would be ideal. They would be more mature, stable, and for lack of a better term broken in by other women, they know how things work in relationships. But something I feared came true, there was simply too many physical issues. I’m 40 but Ive always had a high sex drive. I dated several men in their late 40s and was never sexually satisfied. I went from having daily sex in my past relationships with younger men to having it once a week if I was lucky and then there was he’s tired or the back pain and of course the ED problems and no meds can’t fix them all! How do women deal with this?