What's your most anticipated Christmas present?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 22, 2017.

  1. Yeah, yeah, I know Christmas isn't all about presents. But let's be honest... presents are fun.

    So, anything in particular y'all are hoping for?
  2. Or! Even better, what gifts are you excited to GIVE this year?

    My husband really wants a Keurig, but they're super expensive, so I'm super stoked to have found one in practically brand new condition for $35 bucks! I thought I wasn't going to be able to get it, or if I did, it would be the only thing I could get him. But I think I can manage to get him something else as well. :)
  3. BetterMan123

    BetterMan123 Fapstronaut

    Honestly? Saxx underwear. The support is heavenly lol. As for presents I'm excited to give? An old guy I worked with back in the day likes to build things, and at an craft show he was selling a hand made rocking horse. So I bought it for my 3 neices, and I really hope they like it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. I would like christmas shopping if I was from a nice little family of 4 or something lmao, then I could take my time and be thoughtful with everyone, but nope, family of 12 and growing, so here I am running around with my hair on fire right on schedule

    this year my family decided that everyone would just buy each other things from their amazon wishlist, which I think is supremely stupid, so I'm striking it. they can get me whatever, but I'm not giving them a damn list, jesus christ man. I think the excitement of not knowing is funner than getting something you wanted from some list of demands on Amazon hahaha
    tiredofbeingtired likes this.
  5. Hm, interesting. I like lists, because I want to be sure to get people what they really want, rather than wasting money on things they don't like. But surprises can be fun too, if you think of something you know they'll like.

    That sounds great! I hope your nieces love their rocking horse. ^_^ I haven't heard of Saxx, but I've heard some great things about Mack Weldon underwear. Lol
  6. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    Literally nothing materialistic. I can buy almost anything I want.