What was your sex education like at school?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by thorswrath32, Sep 18, 2017.

  1. I'm interested to find out since we have a lot of people on this forum from all over the world what your sex ed was like when you were at school?

    Mine was very poor, I learned about how the reproductive system worked, was told masturbation was perfectly normal, and i learned how to put a condom on a cucumber and learned about STD's and that's it really, by that time I already knew what
    bondage and BDSM was
    ! lol

    Nothing was mentioned about pornography and the problems associated with its use or how it can lead people to criminality etc.
  2. J4220

    J4220 Fapstronaut

    Here's what I remember
    • Have sex and you'll get some nasty disease.
    • Women giving birth is nasty as fuck. Live birth video shown
    • I remember one video about myths about erections. Kids were telling story about a guy who had an erections for 2 days and it eventually broke in half. I remember some kind of video animation to go with it.
  3. Something about condoms and all technical and BS terms.

    I think good sex ed should include...

    How pre-cum can carry sperm and cause pregnancy which makes the pull out method not 100% safe.

    Pictures of advanced genital herpes so we get the idea that having random sex with people is not a good idea.

    The risks of having unprotected anal sex.

    How porn affects the brain and in long term can affect almost every aspect of your life. PE, DE, ED, etc.

    Differences between porn and real life sex.

    How many porn stars end up with STD's and how badly women in the industry are treated.

    Sexual orientations and sexual identity.

    At least I think those topics are important to cover.