What was your break point?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Mlooking4better, Nov 30, 2017.

  1. Mlooking4better

    Mlooking4better Fapstronaut

    What was that time or times that you decided to stop or try to stop this addiction? I see these as critical points in our lives.
    I had been home. My wife was out. I spent a couple of hours on porn. When my wife came home she asked what I did. I told her I was working on a report, which I often do in the evenings. She asked if I was watching porn. I answered without a moment's hesitation and in a fashion that could have convinced a lie detector, " Of course not." There was no further discussion. She believed me. I realized she had her worries about me. I understood I was a liar. I knew if she caught me again ( she had caught me once before) that our marriage would be over. I know that sounds as if I am sensationalizing the issue but I know my wife and things would be over.
    That was my break point.
    Can you keep in mind your break point as fresh as it was the day it happened?
    Can you keep in your mind your break point as more relevant and important than the muse of porn that says over and over and over again..," You will have a great time. You need it. You deserve it. It is not such a bad thing. You can stop right after.No one will know. You will have time to do the other things you need to do later. ...."..We have to say to the muse..." fuck you..fuck you ...fuck you..fuck you..fuck you....you lying conniving piece of shit.'
    I am not usually profane in my language but the profanity lends intensity to what I have to say.
    Tonytone and Inactive User like this.
  2. Inactive User

    Inactive User Fapstronaut

    Hey—if I were you, I would tell her when you are a month clean. It might hurt, but I feel it would be the best option. Maybe even a week clean if you can’t go for a month alone. Get her in on this battle so that both of you are fighting porn instead of her fighting you.

    Problem for me is I never had a breaking point. I started P at 10 (accidentally figured out how to M at 12). I sort of “wanted” to stop even back then. But I never could do it. Instead of having a single moment when I wanted to stop, I just gradually became more serious over the years. Doesn’t mean I relapsed less often. It was about the same (once every 7-14 days). Another reason it was so hard to quit was because I wasn’t doing it super often so it didn’t feel that serious. So yeah, although I’ve had multiple (perhaps over a hundred at this point) realizations and re-examinations over the years, no single breaking point.

    Good luck man!
  3. Mlooking4better

    Mlooking4better Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your reply. I understand your position on telling her. I will keep it in mind but I am very hesitant. I cannot take that back once it is out. I dont think I could tolerate the barrage of questions that would come out of that admission. I will think over your suggestion though.
  4. RacoonDeluxe

    RacoonDeluxe Fapstronaut

    My breaking point was when I realized what pain I have been causing my SO. It was not one of those fights where I usually feel like I'm being interrogated and that go nowhere because I'm clinging to my addiction, getting stuck in excuses and appeasement... No, this time it was about a project that had been in the planning for several months, and that would have meant a great step forward for our personal life and our future as a couple. We suffered a serious setback in that project and we were angry and shocked and we grieved together.
    What I saw that night is how much my SO was clinging to something that would help us build a future together. It broke my heart. That's when I accepted that I have a problem and that I need to seek help and support.
  5. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    I've started to do NoFap cause I've read somewhere that it increases energy and motivation, I thought "no big deal, I have plenty other entertainment that can bring me through the days"

    Once I've realized that there was this simple reason why I've felt so shitty for all these years and how much I can get out of myself, I've told myself that I wanna get rid of it forever, no matter how many attempts it takes to get rid of it.
  6. Heyy man, you could say to your wife you're doing nofap, and that you don't want porn in your life again...

    My breaking point was that I was having multiple addictions.. and was fapping off all the time (which i didnt see as an addiction then), and i just thought a few months ago... might i be able to stop this also, who is in control? Is this healthy and normal... can i even do without it?? I just felt my life was not improving and i was living this zombie life using porn everyday as a crutch... after seeing the yourbrainonporn video... i saw things in a whole different way...