What qualifies as compulsively using porn?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by skaterdrew, Jan 6, 2021.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Would you say it goes by how many times a day you are using porn and artificial sexual stimulation? How many days a week you are using porn and artificial sexual stimulation? How many times a month you are using porn and artificial sexual stimulation? The duration of a session etc?

    Like what is compulsive use?

    My behaviour over the last while has been on average a binge where multiple times in a day I have masturbated, edged and binged on PMO, and I have done this on average one or two days a month, and then not used it at all any other time. Is this compulsive use?

    I would more think compulsive use is when you are using it daily, weekly etc?

    Like if you told me someone was compulsively using porn, compulsively drinking alcohol, compulsively eating junk food, compulsively playing video games. What would come to my mind if you told me this is the person is compulsively doing these things everyday, or every other day.

    I wouldn't think someone was compulsively playing video games or eating junk food if they spent multiple hours doing these things one or two days a month, and then the rest of the month didn't do these things at all. This wouldn't sound like compulsive use to me. It would actually more sound like doing it on occasion to me.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2021
  2. bulldawg1970

    bulldawg1970 Fapstronaut

    i would say anything done compulsively is someone who associates porn to be just regular of a routine as eating and drinking 3 or 4 times a day like they need it to even survive when they really don;t need it at all, to me that is porn compulsive behavior.
  3. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    It's because your addictive thinking is beating your better thinking. You want what you want right now, and this causes your addictive thinking to beat your better thinking, your long term thinking.

    This is why a distance between yourself and porn and artificial sexual stimulation works well. Because when you can instantly access it, this often causes your addictive thinking to win, because you want what you want right now. Where as when there is a distance between yourself and the porn and artificial sexual stimulation, this actually more causes your better thinking to win, your long term thinking to win.

    It's like if a drug addict trying to quit could get their drug right away, or they had to wait days to get their drug, and they could cancel the drug order before it arrived to them. What scenario is going to be easier for the drug addict trying to quit? In my opinion it's the second one. The drug addicts better thinking will likely of kicked in before those few days have passed, and they will likely cancel the drug order. Where as when they can get the drugs instantly, this is actually what more causes the drug addicts addictive thinking to win. But when there is much more of a distance between the drug addict and the drug, this actually more causes the drug addicts better thinking to win.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
    bestme996 likes this.
  4. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    No it's not the answer.

    I'm the same. When it comes to porn, my favourite is actually cam girls and social media.