This section was a matter of time, wasn't it?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by fapequalsdeath, Nov 2, 2015.

  1. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    Fuck, man when I saw this it struck me. I know I am a solitary type (with females atleast), but this Section's name really acted as a reminder of what I am. It's like I'm further labeling myself and it's like it will be written in stone forever "Loneliness". I know it's not true and that everyone is a subject of change but it's how it felt. I am disappointed in society that suck sections and forums need to exist and i'm even more disappointed simply by the fact that I'm part in something I should really not be in the first place. It's like humanity is going to shit and no one gives a fuck and there we go down with it. Very very cynical view but years of solitude does that to a man, we just live together and die alone and while we live it's in quiet desperation. I could be more active to pursuing a woman, not that getting even the right woman will make me happy, no no i do not believe that It'll just be a bonus, feel better you know? But it's fucking fear man, I'm just too afraid and I'm stuck in this rut making excuses not doing anything and it eats me up inside it really does. I have this great vision of myself which hypes me up but when I get back to reality I just cringe and continue my pity existence. My greatest fear is that I will live out my life as an old man filled with regret up to my last breath when death takes me. And yet I won't budge in some areas like being committed to finding a fruitful relationship with a woman... stuck in a rut, fearing change not knowing that it will happen. But we really do need to find alone time and face ourselves if I can be ok with myself while being alone I think I'll really be "happy". Really been meditating some recent days and I have moments of nirvana but then insecurities fears and monkey mind strike. So it has come to this, broken damaged individuals posting in cyberspace about their miserable lives.
  2. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    I hope this section doesn't become a black hole of hopelessness like misc, r9k or r/foreveralone
  3. DogDaysOfLife

    DogDaysOfLife Fapstronaut

    You're so young, you never know what the future might bring! I know I hate talking about loneliness or labeling myself as lonely. Sure, I'm a virgin, but I'm not really lonely. I have my immediate and extended family, people I see at work, a few friends, acquaintances, and a dog. Romantic relationships don't always happen because you're looking for one. Live your life. Keep up with friends and acquaintances, and sooner or later someone will come along who you'll want to get to know better, yada yada you're dating.

    I hope I'm not being too Pollyanna about all this. I've been lonely before. Loneliness is terrible, but it's not a permanent condition.
  4. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    This may become prohibitively expensive after I move out.
  5. DisciplineYourMind

    DisciplineYourMind Fapstronaut

    I know how you feel. I have a fairly quiet personality, and I often wonder whether my loneliness is subconsciously self-imposed because of my personality, or if my personality is a result of externally caused loneliness.
  6. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    It's not a permanent condition but it could be. I was talking about my loneliness towards women, sure I too have loving friends and family but getting acquainted with women and pushing for a relationship which is more serious is "harder" isn't it? And one of the fears I have is that I will make it permanent if i do not do something yet I fear of doing something.
    Yeah that's a very good question, but does it really matter? I mean it's what we do about it counts, but the real question is how do we make ourselves do it even when we dislike it / fear it? It really helps to be knowledgeable about the subject but I have that knowledge already. In a way I feel unworthy because I know my bad habits like PMO, so therefore I lack confidence also. I really hope that doing nofap and growing as an individual will get me to a state where I'm OK with myself, so I can pursue my goals and defeat my fears.