The No Caffeine Challenge

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, May 2, 2019.

  1. First of all: I *love* coffee. This is why this challenge will be difficult for me and probably for many others: Why would one want to stay away from caffeine for a long period of time if one really loves it? Well, here are some side effects...

    * More stress in the body
    * Higher risk of anxiety
    * May lead to insomnia
    * Causes digestive issues
    * Muscle breakdown
    * Addiction (obviously)
    * Higher blood pressure
    * Rapid heart rate
    * Frequent urination
    * Increased cortisol levels
    * Chronic inflammation

    Also, higher stress levels in your body may lead to a relapse in your no pmo-challenges!

    The challenge is simple: stay away from caffeine for as many days as you prefer. May it be 30, 60, 90 or any other number of days.

    The perfect setup for me to give in to urges has always been: too much caffeine, to little sleep and home alone. So by giving up caffeine, you will feel less stressed and sleep better during the nights and you will not be as prone to relapsing as before.

    The reason why I want to stay away from caffeine this time is because I want to see how the inflammation level in my body changes. I also want to reduce the level of anxiety and I want to reach a higher form of mindfulness.

    Regarding the addiction, I think I am addicted to the more rapid heart rate and it feels like the clocks stop if I don't drink coffee. However, one can make the clocks start ticking again in a number of obvious ways: cold showers, push-ups, sit-ups, go out for a run, do squats, clean the house, drink water, ...

    More reading:
    Last edited by a moderator: May 2, 2019
  2. So, I am in.

    Starting easy with 3 days because I am so addicted to coffee this is going to be hard enough!

    Just caffeinated with my wonderful coffee which is now going to go away.

    0/3 :)
    Future role model likes this.
  3. Two and a half hours in and I realise I don't think about anything else but the fact I am not going to drink coffee for three days. Jesus! :emoji_joy:
    Future role model likes this.
  4. Interesting enough my brain prepared itself for coffee withdrawal and I had headache when I woke up. It never happens otherwise. Toughest period in full action, hours counting! First day completed...

    Future role model likes this.
  5. Lucky me I had the opportunity to take a nap. The headache is slowly disappearing... and I am beginning to feel pretty relaxed too. :)
    Future role model likes this.
  6. 2/3. Still some headache but not very much. I miss my lovely coffee but at the same time I want to see what benefits it can bring me if I stop.
    lofi and Future role model like this.
  7. AngSang Waheguru

    AngSang Waheguru Fapstronaut

    Hello Force Majeure!
    Congrats on this decision. I quit coffee about couple of months ago. I made the decision from meditation and yoga. My body began to feel changes. And one day I felt coffee was not good for my nervous system. So I consulted this with my yoga master and he approved entirely my decision and gave me the reasons and benefits of quitting coffee for good. I'd like to join you on this challenge!
    Force Majeure likes this.
  8. Please join me! For me this challenge is going to be hard. My plan is to have a break for three days, then maybe have a coffee before I take another break for seven days... then increasing the break to 14, 21 and 30 days. Then we’ll see what happens. :)
  9. 3/3, 3-day challenge completed. I said to myself I was allowed to take a coffee today, however, I will not have one. I feel too much that I need one, like an addict just wanting his drug... now it would be nice to have a coffee just to let the headache go away... letting go of that three day headache... but I will not. I will resist the temptation. I am going to keep fighting. I will extend my goal to a 7-day challenge instead.

  10. 4/7. Last coffee was on Thursday at 7 am. Still some headache. This is insane. The more days I have headache, the more I realise I need this challenge.
  11. 5/7. Still a slight headache but I'm getting used to it. If I still have headache at day seven, I will extend the challenge again. :)

    SHREECHARAN New Fapstronaut

  13. Wednesday: 6/7
    Thursday: 7/7! Skipping my lovely coffee and extending my goal instead to 14 days :p

    Friday: 8/14 :)
    lofi likes this.
  14. Another update after these eight days:

    My pain level in my back is much lower.

    Yesterday I ran 10.6 km 25% faster than the previous time, which was before I stopped with coffee.

    Just interesting observations :)
  15. I want to join you really bad since I'm addicted both to coffee and most importantly diet coke but I already drank a coffee today and I'm writing this sipping coke and I bought a huge bottle of coke just before :/ I need to be in a controlled situation. Just a question - is deca allowed in your challenge?
  16. 10/14

    Whatever modifications to this challenge that takes you outside your comfort zone and challenge you is ok :)
  17. Great! Thanks for the answer :) I'm definitely going to try implementing this soon. And congrats you're doing great!
    Force Majeure likes this.
  18. Thank you! The four first days were quite terrible, then it turned around and started to feel good! Just so you now what to expect ;) Persistence is key :)
  19. 11/14!

    So (trying to guide you a bit), at what day do you plan to start? :)