The Curse of Sexuality

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by MelancholyWeightlifter, Feb 1, 2015.

  1. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Can you imagine what life woukd be like without sexuality? The incredible freedom? It would be amazing. No more STDs, abortions, broken homes, divorce, rape, domestic violence, porn, prostitution, sex trafficking or child sexual abuse. We could stop debating the gay rights issue. It would be like a haze lifted. The constant stench of sexualization in the media and cultute would be gone. People could stop thinking about getting laid so they could actually put their full effort into something wonderful. Maybe we could look up and appreciate life for the beautiful experience it is.

    I see relationships hurt so many people around me. My friends become so focused on getting married they give up on every awesome goal they had. One of my friends is a shell of what he was. He gave up EVERYTHING to get his woman. Women use sex as a tool to make their husbands do what they want. Men force themselves and dominate women. No one seems to be satisfied. People are OBSESSED with how they look, constantly trying to look "sexy". In the end, a huuuuuuuge portion of the pain in the human family comes from sexuality and the interaction between sexes.

    I'm just so sick of sex. The word itself makes me sick to my stomach. And to think I have to endure this barrage of propaganda for my whole life? God help me...
  2. Lucca

    Lucca Fapstronaut

    Really interesting post, Meloncholyweightlifter, I agree that the world would be a better place without sex in some senses. Really it kindof sucks, but we're also stuck with it. Sex is an intrinsically good thing, but its so good that it causes people to do some pretty stupid things to get it. Sex gets so warped and beaten - like an other abused good in the world, food or leisure or money (although money is a human invention, its still has a positive purpose...) But besides that, even though the world might be a better place without sex - it still has sex. And sex is good. People are just stupid. We can't just blot out the things that cause problems. The world might be a better place if no one ever had to eat, but then we'd never have tacos or pizza - and I don't know about you, but I really like to eat both of those things. Especially in the form of taco-pizza... Back on track, In the same vain, if we didn't have sex we wouldn't have babies - we'd have to reproduce some other way - and that other way, whether by spores or asexually or what have you, would probably end up just as pleasurable, and human beings would find a way to take advantage of it. If sex weren't pleasurable, reproduction wouldn't seem very urgent, and if sex was say, painful? We'd just die out. We'd start and end at one generation. I'm sure your not saying we don't need sex, that doesn't seem to be your point, but, still I think that one of the things that should be stressed here is why we do need it - despite the problems people cause over it.
  3. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    The difference between food and sex is food is essential to living. Sex is not. There is not nearly the same amount of terrible things surrounding food then there is around sex. But I do concede the point that if sex didn't feel good, the human race would die out. I obviously know that sex isn't going away, but I can dream... People as a whole seem unable to keep sex in it's proper place, the human race isn't responsible enough.

    All I can control is my own actions. I am completely removing myself from all of it. I wish more people could see the light...
  4. Lucca

    Lucca Fapstronaut

    Sex may not be essential to living, but it is essential to life. I mean, if it weren't for sex, neither you or I would be here. But thats obvious, and you are right - We each have our own selves to worry about, and thats really the bottom line.
  5. ruso

    ruso Fapstronaut

    The path is not for me. It keeps life interesting. Best of luck with your celibacy though.
  6. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Life is only dull without "love" if you have no ambition or goals outside of "love". Romance is seen as the end all be all. Happiness comes from a good relationship. So of course someone who thinks like that would find life without love boring. In reality though, there is so much more to life. Better, more fulfilling things.

    The problem is that procreation has exploded out of it's proper place in human life. Instead of having sex to procreate and express love to your mate it has become a perverted joke, I.e. porn. It permeates every layer of our society and controls many people's choices.
  7. Sex isn't the Problem Dude.It ISN'T.Your Thinking is the Problem here.I'm Not Blaming You but Just Think.If God Wanted Peace From His/her Children then Why Did He Create Such Abnormal Things You Mentioned in Your Initial Post.He Didn't Created Divorce,rapes,Violence,Porn,Trafficking.HUMANS CREATED IT.God Made Women,Not to be Used,but To be Loved,and Let me Tell You Love here doesn't mean Material Love.Love Is a Connection Between 2 Souls,not Just an Attraction to Breast or Hips.Lord Krishna is a True Example of It.God Gave Women Vagina,To Produce Babies for Continuity of this World.God Gave Women Breast,to Feed Their Babies.God Sent Women in This World,Not Just to be Mere Objects,But to Be Humans.
    -Sex is For Welfare of this Universe.And It Isn't limited to Our Humans.Even Planets Have Sex and Create New Planets.Isn't It a Type of Reproduction?Everything Nature has Given Us Can Be used for Welfare of This Universe,but Can't be used For Selfish Goals.
  8. Lucca

    Lucca Fapstronaut

    Real love is sacrifice - not just sex. But true honest sex is itself a sacrifice, because one takes the risk of having a child, and is the giving of two peoples whole trust to one another. The key to happiness in sex, I think, is to be having it for the right reasons. There can be happiness with sex, I agree that sex isn't the end all be all, sex isn't the purpose of life as so many have made it out to be, but sex does take a place as a part of life. Love is something all people are called to. Some are called to show love by way of sex, others are called to love in different ways, but all people are called to love.
  9. NoBrainer

    NoBrainer Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I get where you're coming from MelancholyWeightlifter, but to me, your argument seems meaningless. Rather selfish even. You quote "No more STDs, abortions, broken homes, divorce, rape, domestic violence, porn, prostitution, sex trafficking or child sexual abuse". Yet for these atrocities you simply blame sexuality, and claim what an idealistic world we would have without sexuality. I hate to point to point out the obvious, but we don't live in this 'idyllic' world.

    YOU have the power to start doing something about it. Some people are irresponsible, yet you have the power to work towards changing that. Complaining about it, making vast generalisations and yearning for an ideal world with no motivation to put in the work will get you nowhere.
  10. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    All I can change is my own actions NoBrainer. It's just like other idealistic thoughts though. Is it wrong to dream of realities that will never happen? People have no problem dreaming and calling for world peace, even though we know that won't happen.

    What I'm trying to get through with this post is that the ABUSE and lack of control of sexuality has caused so many horrible things. Obviously, it isn't going away, but much of it could be avoided if people would just learn some self control.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2015
  11. E46469

    E46469 Fapstronaut

    I'm with you MW. People use sex for so many things they forget its true purpose- to make babies. It reminds me of the end of Cat's Cradle. At least this realization gives us an edge over those consumed by lust. It also helps get back some of the time I've lost to PMO.
  12. Finalfight123

    Finalfight123 Fapstronaut

    Its evolution I'm afraid. We've been wired to love women so that we wouldn't abandon them during hunter gather times. And because of that the chemicals in our brain reward us whenever we do things with the opposite sex. Its weird but I approached this girl 2 months ago and saw her again today and talked to her again it went waay better and even though nothing came out of it I still got a natural high from it. chemicals in my brain.

    The truth is we are a curse to things our bodies are hardwired for. Fat people its not that they gave up they've given into natural tendencies to eat everything in sight. Is love the ultimate ambition? No I hope you would have greater goals. Im afraid women aren't the angels we think they are. in fact the reason they act the way they do is because of us from a young age we tell girls that looks are important and brains. But most think its looks. unbeknownst once they are 50 they will stop getting attention and be boring.

    Im going on a long tangent but its there to keep this race alive and we've made it the most important thing. All these movies guy saves girl guy saves the world. But I guess whatever gives you meaning is the meaning of life.
  13. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I think there is something more to us himan finalfight. I can't say I know exactly what it is, but it's there. It's the ability to transcend our biology. We are the only animals that can say "no" to instinct. So maybe, the next step in the progress of the human race is abandoning sex as we know it. Exercising that power of will makes us powerful indeed.