Staying Focused

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Tryinghardtoquit, Nov 16, 2018.

  1. How do you guys stay focused? Say for example you have a good period of sucess. How do you stay hungry and motivated to quit do that PMO doesn't come back into your life? I know we creste new patterns and hobbies and helpful paths but it gets tough. How do we stay focused? I mean in the loooong term
  2. I know that for me if I don't get my sex life under control, it will cause catastrophic effects that no man should deal with. I don't specifically want to say what, but it's enough of a personal burden that just even thinking about the consequences that I'd have to reap makes me shudder. That doesn't mean I don't fail though, I still do. But whenever the going gets tough, I need to use no PMO to get myself under control so I can at least think clearly without having to waste hours of my days and limited time on this earth risking my livelihood.

    I suppose if I were to give advice for you is try to imagine yourself in years to come and compare how different your life would be as a sexual addict, versus sexually controlled. Feel that dread in the addict scenario, imagine the worst thing that could feasibly stem from your corrupted mind. Harvest that absolute hatred and disgust towards yourself and use it as a motivator to avoid it. Comparatively, imagine yourself better living sexually controlled, and how much more efficient you could be, how much happier you could be. Give yourself that long-term goal to achieve over months or years of self-discipline.
  3. That's really good advice. I like the concept of the forward visualisation imagining that you are in the future controlled etc. I definitely get the disgust side of it and want to be better but a big part of me does want to PMO still and I hate that part of me. Anyway thanks again