some good reading if you are serious about quitting!

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. stewiethemad

    stewiethemad New Fapstronaut

    Download the you-version bible app and they have plans that you can read on there and I am really enjoying the overcoming porn 40 day challenge, it really has some great resources on there for fighting the good fight! Keep at it, and remember even if you fail God loves you and keep trying! If you are feeling down a good song to listen to is So Will I (100 Billion X's) by Hillsong it really keeps me motivated and reminds me God still loves me even though I mess up daily!
    70*7, Tao Jones and FutureDoctor like this.
  2. skater

    skater Fapstronaut

    This is a one day at a time battle, God's grace is extended daily as long as you continue to seek him and healing.
    stewiethemad likes this.