So, counters?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Misfit, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Misfit

    Misfit Fapstronaut

    I was reading this (well known) thread from a different forum ...

    And saw this section on counters...

    Based on the above, I'm wondering whether I should scrap my sig counter and just move forwards without it...

    Opinions? Thoughts?
  2. Well.I'm also Stuck After Reading this. I Think We shouldn't do it Now.If we By Chance Relapse Again[Even Though We're going to Not],We will Try this Thing.
    -But Nevertheless It's all about our beliefs that Counter is a good or Bad thing.For Some It will Work as A Charm,For Other's It May not.
  3. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    There is validity to what that person is saying. But to be honest, my counter is a big reason why I choose to keep myself clean from PMO at times, which I suppose is not a good thing. But it does. It also helps you see the big picture, and how far you have come. Perhaps the OP had a bad experience with it. I personally think they keep people accountable for their PMO actions, by adding a red tick whenever there has been a relapse, that is assuming people aren't cheating.
  4. ADC

    ADC Fapstronaut

    I must admit it : it's been a long time since I last looked at my counter... :p I just keep it because it may give motivation to other people actually. One day it will eventually get disactivated because of inactivity, and I'll delete it from my signature.
  5. I remember when I started, around like 10 days, I had a massive wet dream. And right when I climaxed in my dream, my conscience woke me up, and I was incredibly pissed at myself, because I thought I had relapsed, and would have to reset my counter. I would be extremely annoyed and bored at having to reset my counter. Baaaah. Even THINKING about it disgust me and appears to me as to be avoided at all costs.

    Also I'm far enough not to need a spreadsheet, but I never relapsed, so at the beginning the counter was my life, really what prevented me from relapsing. Perhaps was it pride, but I was like, I REFUSE to make a fool of myself by showing everyone that I had to reset.

    I fear that for myself, having a spreadsheet induces very subtly that relapsing is "possible". Having a counter does it too but less, as it's just numbers that goes on and on, and the reset is an act that you have to face. On spreadsheets, idk, for me it's easier to think that you have to count ALL your relapses, rather than to believe in the first place that relapses shouldn't even exist.

    However I definitely agree with what the guy said; I'm just sharing my own experience.

    Agree with ADC too; it comes a time that you forget which number you're at. Only milestones matter. I upgrade regularly my goal so I remember why I'm doing this, at least until I'm at one year, but it doesn't really matter anymore. I'll never relapse. Ever. Ever. Ever.
  6. IWantABetterLife22

    IWantABetterLife22 NoFap Moderator

    I think it highly depends on how you think about and use your counter. Yes, when you relapse and your counter goes back to zero, it's easy to think all your progress is gone. But it's not. If you abstain from looking at porn and don't edge/masturbate for a month, and then you relapse. you've still made a lot of progress.

    Also, your concern is exactly why people use a counter with tick marks, like you do. So you can still see your past streaks no matter what.
  7. Misfit

    Misfit Fapstronaut

    I can't work out how to do that - I've had 30, 30 and 56 days prior to my last relapse but don't think there's away of adding it to my counter.
  8. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    It mustn't be the original counter then.
  9. Misfit

    Misfit Fapstronaut

    No, I deleted that and started again. But yes, that makes sense now.