Seeking advice from veteran nofappers

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by BigandBeastly, Aug 19, 2018.

  1. BigandBeastly

    BigandBeastly Fapstronaut

    Hey nofappers, I'm in a bit of a rut right now and was wondering if you guys had any advice for me. I've been on nofap now for 1 and a half years to mild sucesss. I hit my longest streak of 60 days during the new year then followed that with another 40 day streak. I thought I was curred. Women that were out of my leauge would just come up and talk to me, give me there numbers, I had multiple job opportunities, needless to say life was looking up. I decided I was ready to move out of my mom's in Michigan and head west to Colorado. I signed up for school and found two jobs within the first couple days of being here. However, I've somehow ended up falling back in to old habits...HARD. I can barely go 4 days now. Women don't even notice me, my work performance has been mediocre and I'm having a difficult time making friends in my new home. I stay busy, when I'm now at work I'm rock climbing or fishing but after a couple of days those tempting thoughts come creeping back and I can't seem to fight them off. What should I don't in this situation? Any words of advice will be appreciated. I'm getting sick of my own lazyness and mediocrity, and instead of shooting high I'm just accepting to be average.
  2. JJackson

    JJackson Fapstronaut

    Heath likes this.
  3. Ezpz

    Ezpz Fapstronaut

    We all go through these periods in our journey. I was stuck at the 1 week mark for a very long time. Keep doing things that will push you out of this habit and eventually you will break free.

    It is frustrating and sometimes depressing at times but its important to keep going, theres no easy fix here but there is light at the end
  4. pmofreeliving

    pmofreeliving Fapstronaut

    NoFap is like a Beaver making a dam. you being the beaver and the water is all the stuff you don't wanna look at. Sometimes the dam starts leaking (relapse) so you find a way to patch it, with a log. Then it leaks again a few weeks later, so you try something else, patch it with some foliage as well as some rocks. If it still leaks a few months down the road, then steal some concrete from the construction workers and build a wall.

    A beaver doesn't live its life waiting for his dam to break so he can fix it. He fixes it when it needs to be repaired. So don't think about the temptations and they won't be a problem.

    The best thing to do it stop thinking about it. stop thinking about porn, masturbating, stop beating yourself up about relapses. if you relapse, right afterward, write down in a journal why you think you relapsed and some ideas you will do next time to combat that so it doesn't happen again. If you do this correctly you might still relapse, but it probably wont be from the same reason as the first. As long as you keep trying different methods, you will make it there. you have to make a commitment to yourself to change, if you cant 100% do that then you will keep failing.

    write down some rules and follow them. if you don't follow them, then there is no point. don't count the days, make the days count.

    some rules I follow are:

    no disabling the parental controls at any time
    no searching for explicit material
    not allowed to look at explicit (doesn't help you, so don't do it)
    don't stay online for more time than you need to (writing out a list before going online will help)