Premature Ejaculation

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by aristotling, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. aristotling

    aristotling Fapstronaut

    Hi, newbie here, with a question regarding PE.

    I started rebooting 26 days ago after discovering that TED video. I suffer from both ED and PE, so my motivation to reboot is extremely high (and understanding the connection between porn and sexual dysfunction has made it much easier to reboot). I understand that my ED is most likely porn-induced. As for PE, I've read conflicting stories. Some guys claim that not fapping cured their PE while other guys claim it actually created PE issues. What's the real story?
  2. TenderTalons

    TenderTalons Fapstronaut

    The real story is a personal one. Each guy is very different. For me, it really depends on how I feel. Sometimes when I'm having sex I can go to town and have full control. Other times I may be feeling especially amorous and I have no control. It's a combination of physical sensitivity, mental control, and arousal. Just find your balance. I'm still working on mine.
    Sletiks likes this.
  3. aristotling

    aristotling Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice. I guess half the problem is that as soon as I start having sex, I'm anxiously expecting PE at any moment. It will be a massive relief to at least alleviate ED once my porn-saturated brain is normalized. Hopefully that will boost my self-confidence enough to positively affect my PE too.
  4. Clever idea, thanks for sharing.

    Sometimes I used PMO (or just MO) before having sex to avoid PE. I'm not as horny, not as sensitive, I should last longer, right? In fact: yes, it works. BUT. The thing is I've been talking about this with a friend of mine, and she honestly said, that she really doesn't mind his guy to cum early, if he doesn't watch porn at all. It's more important for her to be really connected to her partner than to have sex for more than 15-20 minutes. Of course this requires a strong relationship, you probably won't get away with PE in a one night stand. Anyway, it's just one girls opinion (she's 28 btw) but I've heard similar things from other girls so this may apply to a lot of girls.

    Also, if after the reboot you still have PE problems, there are countless ways to deal with that too, and if your gf/wife knows that you're porn free, she's likely to be more than willing to help you with everything. Of course as I mentioned, this has to be a strong relationship.
    IMZY likes this.
  5. ropodobotrop

    ropodobotrop Fapstronaut

    im gravitating gowards PE myself, but sometimes its better. When im really horny or with a new girl its hard to control. but i would also advice to start slowly. and most important relax. try to relax all your muscles. and dont think, try to concentrate on how you feel. If youre to tense generally maybe it helps if you try some meditation.
    on a good day you will be able to bring your arousal up and down and "surf" below the "point of no return" to orgasm for quite a while. its a really nice feeling you dont want to come to orgasm anymore ;)
  6. aron

    aron Fapstronaut

    TIP: one trick that has helped me tremendously with lasting longer in bed (and it can work also on PE) is to relax. When your muscles are tense, when you are tense, you are very likely to ejaculate. Try to relax and move the focus away from the genital area. You can use the breath as an indicator of how relaxed you are, but also to relax yourself. If you are tense then the breath will be superficial and/or you won't be breathing for some time. If you are relaxed then your breath will be long and slow. In my opinion, you could be also thrusting like a porn-star and still be relaxed and have a slow breath.
  7. 4xeMSPE

    4xeMSPE Fapstronaut

    Great suggestion
  8. 4xeMSPE

    4xeMSPE Fapstronaut

    Thx man, good to know
  9. krazykhan786

    krazykhan786 Fapstronaut

    Brain is the greatest Sexual got to rewire it to desensitise it against the rush of love and to make it calmer and soothing.
  10. LELLL

    LELLL Fapstronaut

    Dateoflies , this is too triggering. Please spare us the details.
  11. headedup

    headedup Fapstronaut

    I agree @LELLL. He should try doing the black out text.
  12. headedup

    headedup Fapstronaut

    But great thread! If you're still on here, it sound like the best way to beat this problem is to just keep up with No PMO. Check out Gabe Deem's youtube channel reboot nation if you're having any sort of sexual dysfunction. It may just be related to your porn or masturbation use, especially if you are still young.
  13. curt

    curt Fapstronaut

    Do you ever ejaculate?
  14. francesreid

    francesreid New Fapstronaut

    Nice solution.....
  15. IWantToBeAHuman

    IWantToBeAHuman Fapstronaut

    Do you still have pe issue ?
  16. MyDarkPassenger

    MyDarkPassenger Fapstronaut

    I have been struggling with PE for a while and this tip allowed me to have successful sex twice last night lasting around 20 minutes (by choice) both times. Thank you so much DateofLies!
  17. QCA

    QCA Fapstronaut

    For me the position makes a big difference. If my wife is on top that can last for a long time. If I am on top it does not! Probably everyone is wired a little differently so ymmv.

    Thing two which isnt really a solution per se...I try to go down on my wife first totally focus on her. If she climaxes before intercourse not so big a deal if it ends quickly.

    Thing three....when it happens just own it. She is hot what can you do? Tell her you love her and go for it again.
  18. shashank160997

    shashank160997 New Fapstronaut

    Premature Ejaculation, also known as impotence, is a very common health problem. According to the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, it is estimated that half of all men experience erectile dysfunction at some point. At age 40, about 40 percent of men suffer from this condition, and it is more common at older ages.

    ED is a condition where a man is not able to achieve or sustain an erection. It can lead to low self-esteem, depression and guilt.

    A range of causes of ED can be broadly classified into two categories—physical and mental (psychological). According to the BBC Health, about 70 percent of impotence cases have medical causes and about 30 percent have psychological causes.

    • Physical causes include narrowing of the blood vessels due to high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol, diabetes, hormonal changes due to aging, surgery or injury, thyroid problems, kidney issues, heavy smoking, obesity, excessive drinking, nutritional deficiencies, certain prescription medications and treatments for prostate cancer or enlarged prostate.
    • Psychological causes include anxiety, depression, stress, and other mental health issues and relationship problems.
    This problem may resolve if the underlying cause is treated. You can also try some Premature Ejaculation Treatment
    • Garlic
    • Almond
    • Onion
    • Carrot
    • Pomegranate juice
    • Take Deep Breathe
  19. Lawolf

    Lawolf Fapstronaut


    thanks , the quite you brought here are really helpfull
  20. valesoloteee

    valesoloteee New Fapstronaut

    Spray for Premature Ejaculation - It desensitizes the penis so you can last longer. It makes the eventual climax that much more pleasant. Simply spray up to ten times on the shaft and head, and be sure to wash it off after use. I was initially worried it would make climax difficult to achieve, but I can assure you that isn't the case. I would recommend it for anyone looking for new vigor in the bedroom.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2023