Panic Attacks

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Nov 16, 2018.

  1. Hi!

    For about 5 years I've had this fear that makes me have pannic attacks where I don't know what to do, because there is nothing to do. I have a fear of death, I don't want to die forever, and I now people believe there's nothing after death, I've done everything by myself to help myself, but I don't know what to do, what to believe. I need help, I will never kill myself, and I only see these attacks happening more when I get older, do I have some sort of phobia, or disorder, can I cure it, am I wrong about, death, I'm not religious, but want to be, can you teach me how to truly believe in God, any good, I don't care anymore, can somebody help.
  2. TheBigBadWolf

    TheBigBadWolf Fapstronaut

    God bless you Elegant Grasshopper,

    As a Born Again Christian, who had been struggling with porn for a while I can tell you confidently that once I re dedicated my life to Jesus it has been incredibly easy to resist porn and lustful temptations. I also have struggled with anxiety and even have had a panic attack of some kind before. I recommend you start reading John, or Matthew in the new testament and learn about the story of Jesus. Cry out to God, ask him to guide you and that you want to believe in him and read his word. I will pray for you brother. Pray, Read, and look up for yourself the biblical evidence out there and I hope you will realize that you need Salvation. I Hope for the best in your search for truth. :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Go
    See a psychologist buddy. Anxiety and panic attacks go hand in hand. They will give you the resources to deal with your issues or at least help you along the way.
  4. I have a psychiatrist, and I take axiety meds, they work pretty well, but not as well as I would like.
  5. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    You interested in any particular religion? If so, go to a religious leader of that religion - rabbi, priest, imam, etc, and talk to him. I'm sure they'll have good advice for you. They're the experts.
  6. meatsandwich

    meatsandwich Fapstronaut

    I couldn't say that religion will help, the thing that will help is friendly community even when it's achieved trough religion it not gonna be religion itself, but friendly people that surrounds him.
  7. LetsGo!

    LetsGo! Fapstronaut

    Hey man, before anything else, remember that you can always get better.

    In terms of immediate help with your anxiety and panic attacks, there are things you can do to get some quick relief. What's helped me is listening to classical music, or calm instrumental 'new age' music. And running. Working out. Get your heart rate up.

    As for your fear of death - this is perfectly normal. Two things come to mind here. First, you can simply not think about it. It's how a lot of people get by in life. They simply ignore these disturbing questions.

    Second, I would thoroughly recommend you read some works on philosophical classical theism. It's not of any religion per se, but it is the philosophical logical deductions (that you'll never hear or see in modern popular debate and culture) that conclude to show that everything comes from an eternal pure act and source of being - which is what the word 'God' in the serious sense has always referred to.

    One current philosopher who writes on this also writes on philosophy of human nature, and explains classical arguments that purport to show there is something immaterial about humans, which can in principle persist upon physical death. Again, this is based on strict logical deduction.

    And it might be a gateway to religion if you feel inclined.

    If you like, message me and I can recommend some books on these matters that changed my life and brought me to God.

    All the best.