My three day journey coming to an end

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by militemknight, Jan 24, 2019.

  1. militemknight

    militemknight New Fapstronaut

    So, like most of you guys I began will binging on porn when I was around 14. I have seen porn for over 7 years now and there were times when I could control this awful desire to rub one for around a week or two. Two weeks has been my highest count. The problem is I don't have any useful hobbies at night since I'm mostly on my phone watching YouTube or what not and have been staying up late for a long time now. I would like to know how do I stop this consistent loop of late night sleep which before sleep ends up with me surfing the internet and watching porn and ending up feeling guilty and depressed after a few minutes. I even get headaches in the morning thanks to my late night sleep routine. My latest streak was 3 days without porn which ended abruptly last tonight because I was anxious about tomorrow. I'm a college student in my last year. Life is tough.
  2. Hello, welcome to NoFap,

    I'm sorry you're having sleep issues. Maybe try different hobbies apart from using your phone late at night. You could try to read a book till you become sleepy.
  3. The light from phones and computer screens can prevent the body and mind from getting sleepy. Maybe try switching to books or magazines.
    Alpha Romeo likes this.
  4. Alpha Romeo

    Alpha Romeo Fapstronaut

    it is but you are thougher

    Usually one of my advice is to not stay up late I was in the same boat as you when I first started and tho it is not completely fixed I found that reading or installing an app that reduces the blue light at night can really help to get sleepier.

    or instead you could listen to a podcast before going to bed just don't feel bad to pause it when you get sleepy Joe Rogan has a pretty good one imo.

    Welcome brother
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2019