I need help

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by dan8787, Nov 19, 2018.

  1. dan8787

    dan8787 Fapstronaut

    I just joined this forum, I've been a porn addict for over 35 years. If anyone has any advice please let me know. I don't know where to start but I guess this is a good step. I'm also an alcoholic, but porn is like heroin to me, no I don't do drugs at all but I think my addictions are co-dependent. Thank you for any advice you can give.

  2. Skyfall1125

    Skyfall1125 Fapstronaut

    One day at a time. I know it sounds cliché, but it's true. Whatever you do DO NOT worry about what tomorrow brings. Focus on the today and get through this one day at a time. I can't help you with the alcohol addiction as that is not something that I have struggled with. I couldn't even tell you when the last time was that I had a drink. My recommendation would be to quit cold turkey on all substances and PMO immediately. Prepare your heart and mind for this because it will be the hardest thing that you do in your whole life. You can find support here and/or you can join a local support group for the alcohol addiction. Good luck buddy.
    Grandpa61 likes this.
  3. Paper

    Paper Fapstronaut

    I will start with these words as you are a new here. Be prepared to fail. But listen, there is a catch, With every failure, you will learn something new about yourself, you will analyze the reason why you failed, in what kind of environment you were in when you failed, what was your mood, what most people say here and suggest, partly it is true, but why partly you may ask, because what is universal, that is not good. You have to do a research and you have to be the research object, you have to find what works for you. The more you will think about NoFap, the more you will remember masturbation. Most of the time, when you feel like relapsing, try to distance yourself from it, go do something or start thinking about something else, but be warned, for some people when you try to abstain from one addiction, another one tries to appear or be more intensive, so be careful.
    Grandpa61 likes this.
  4. Hey man you made a right choice, i was also addicted to multiple things. Life really can change. I have gotten a lot of inspiration of a youtuber, Gabe Dawg. Maybe you find his videos of help also. All the best
  5. Nalex25p

    Nalex25p Fapstronaut

    The best thing for me was cold showers, intermittent fasting and intense exercise.

    The longest streak I had which was recently was 49 days. I was taking cold showers for the first 46 and the last 3 days switched back to warm then I relapsed. Now on 40 days with no more warm showers and have not had any urges.

    Not guaranteeing it will work, just my experience.
    Grandpa61 likes this.
  6. Addicted17years

    Addicted17years Fapstronaut

    I have been an addict for way too long and I need to grow out of my addiction. I would rather sit home and masturbate 3-4 times then to even think about going out and talk to a girl. Its fucking pathetic. I joined NoFap only days before you and I feel that the people here really want each other to succeed in this quest. Stay motivated. Take only a day at a time that way it will be much easier for you to be successful.
    Grandpa61 likes this.
  7. dan8787

    dan8787 Fapstronaut

    I want to thank everybody for their support. This is exactly what I need. I've made it one day, and will take it a day at a time. Thanks Folks!!!
    Grandpa61 likes this.
  8. ras-tanura

    ras-tanura Fapstronaut

    I second all the opinions above. Every time you fail, you learn something. I was addicted for a little less time than you and came to this forum 40 days ago. Please read about people's pains, sympathize and respond, be active in this community and I promise you'll see results. I've already discovered that my addictions are from weak coping skills, I want to escape from a thought all the time. I'm learning to face the fear and stand tall till it passes, it works!
    Nalex25p likes this.
  9. dan8787

    dan8787 Fapstronaut

    I've gone 5 days without masturbating or looking at porn and also no alcohol. I was about to relapse, just one click away, my trigger was not much sleep and tiredness makes me weak. Then I looked at a Gabe Dawg video, it really did help. I have a question though, it is only naturally for build up in your balls over time. Do I just take the pain and it will go away over time, or do I masturbate to relieve myself without looking at porn?
  10. Skyfall1125

    Skyfall1125 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing.

    You are believing a lie, and your body is doing everything it can to convince you to keep giving it what it wants. Dopamine is released from your brain during orgasm. It is highly addictive. Right now, your body thinks it needs that release to function properly and since you have fed it PMO for so many years it will take time to retrain your brain and body. Check out "Your Brain on Porn."

    I can assure that masturbation or even orgasm are not "needs" of the body. They are wants and desires and should only be shared with a lover. Not alone in your bed on the weekend. Again, thanks for sharing and have a great day!
  11. Grandpa61

    Grandpa61 Fapstronaut

    We are about the same age, I'm 57. Like others have said take the it one day at a time!
    Skyfall1125 likes this.