I feel nothing emotional in me

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by arrow, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. arrow

    arrow Fapstronaut

    As you see on my counter I try a new and my first real challenge that I do not want breake up.But right now I feel like I lost my emotions and not only in a sexual way like a flatline. I feel nothing. I can not feel me happy or sad and the badest thing is that I wanna start my first relationship with a girl that I really love but in the past days and also right now I am unable to show my love to her. I also can not look in her eyes. How long will this condition last for?
  2. Low Light

    Low Light Guest

    Patience . It's the one thing you'll never forget from this journey . Urges , flatlines , willpower ... they all come and go . You can never really know how much it will take , since everyone is different . Just wait , and although it's none of my buissness and I'm sorry , I would wait till I get out of this condition before I make a move . Just know that you'll feel MUCH , much better.

    Good luck .
  3. Colinv

    Colinv Fapstronaut

    I don't feel emotions anymore and I don't have feelings in a sexual way. I know what you are going through bro, but have patience just like low light says. Complete the challenge.
  4. Ezy

    Ezy Fapstronaut

    Is this the loss of emotional feeling sudden? Like, have you always felt this way, or only since you started NoFap? If this has occurred only since you started nofap than you are most likely going through withdrawal from your Psychological dependence.(in this case, porn) As before you used porn to help regulate and alleviate your emotions. Without this dependence your body is all screwed up, so it most likely shut down all your emotions because it had no way of regulating them. Your emotions will come back, it will occur slowly because your body has to experience and reprocess them in a controlled manner. This is all theoretical to my knowledge, so I could be wrong.
  5. FutureGuitarGod

    FutureGuitarGod Banned by User Request

    Perhaps you used PMO to self medicate, or it could be that your mind is trying to adjust to going without PMO. When we are trying to solve problems, our production of serotonin can be affected. My advice: start taking Biotin. I started taking it a couple weeks ago to help with digestive health, but I find that my moods have become more stable. There's also 5-HTP and St. John's Wort. Having taken both in the past, they were much more effective than chemical antidepressants.
  6. Personal Freedom

    Personal Freedom Fapstronaut

    If you look at this emptiness as a punishment, or a negative, it's going to feed itself. It could be your brain desperately trying to pull you back into the cycle of using and self-satisfaction. Cocaine users experience similar things, though they mix in with irritability and irrational thoughts.

    One of the hardest things to do is to learn to love yourself. Not despite your flaws, but with them. Love the person that you have been, every moment of your life, because you wouldn't be here without that person. Take solace in the emptiness and take your steps forward with an open heart and a willful mind.