
Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by abyssnessman, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. abyssnessman

    abyssnessman Fapstronaut

    Hi folks
    I'm joining NoFap to help with my porn addiction. I recently had a big blowout with my SO regarding my porn habits escalating and how that was impacting our sex life. For the longest time I made an unconscious distinction between IRL sex and porn use. I thought my IRL sex was driving the direction of my porn interests and that it didn't work the other way around. I was of course wrong, and was keeping the extent and content of my porn use secret. As my porn interests became increasingly intense I found myself unable to have sex that did not involve the same themes that I was consuming via porn. I think it's good to incorporate these themes into IRL sex but when those themes become the default setting it's obviously problematic. I want to heal the distance I have created in my relationship due to porn use. My partner feels excluded from a large portion of my sexuality because of my secrecy. And she feels like our sex is secondary to porn because of the amount of time I spend watching porn and masturbating; 1x per day on low days, 4x or more on high volume days - more high volume than low volume days. I need help. I want to own this and change it so that I can be my best self, for myself and for my partner. I've been off the porn for 4 days now but I can feel the urge building.
  2. Romans 6 23

    Romans 6 23 Fapstronaut

    Welcome brother!
    First congratulations on 4 days! That is awesome! the first few days and week are the hardest! (no pun intended)

    Second, if you haven't yet, check out this site www.yourbrainonporn.com
    I was a lot like you. I would compartmentalize my porn. and I thought it was no big deal. If it hurt my S.O. now wife well that's because she was being too sensitive or not putting out enough.

    I have since grown up. www.yourbrainonporn.com has helped educate me as to the reasons WHY porn is so terrible for our brains. Not moral religious, not for relational issues but for how it personally affects me.

    As you spend time on here you will read more stories. Some are pretty intense. Many guys end up losing their wives or families. They start acting out their urges. Porn is not harmless. It's a destructive hurricane that leaves nothing untouched in its path. Some get out with little damage and some get destroyed.

    Glad you are here brother. If you ever need anyone to talk to please don't hesitate to message me
    abyssnessman and Jefe Rojo like this.
  3. abyssnessman

    abyssnessman Fapstronaut
