Help me from relapsing

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by SwedishViking, Jan 13, 2019.

  1. Hello brothers

    This is a letter to myself, to help myself from relapsing. If you have something valuable to say it would be very appreciated. I am very close to relapsing.

    I am about to take a drivers license, which might become difficult if I relapse.
    I am enjoying the glow of my skin, my confidence, and my flow of speech.
    I like my newfound focus
    I like that I feel more capable
    I like that everything feels better in life.

    I am close to relapsing, and it is not because of an urge. It is a mental buildup, my mind keeps reminding me of how wonderful it is with pmo. My mind has forgotten the side-effects. My mind sees the pleasure only. I have switched my focus throughout the day to exercising, cold showers, guitar playing and to a birthday party. All this while having this mental buildup in the back of my mind. I don't know how to get rid of it. If I can't, I will relapse soon, and I don't want that.

    Is there anyone who can identify with my current situation and how to get past it? Help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. bobross

    bobross Fapstronaut

    Try try try brother. Like one of those legendary berserkers :) Channel your reasons to be free of this. Meditate. Be honest to yourself. I always know deep down when I'm about to relapse, but I lie to myself. I bet this is the story of many of us here. Someone mentioned a very neat mind trick, it helps me a lot. When dangerous thoughts come, or anything of the sort, just say "Stop! This is bad and must stop!". You don't have to shout it, you can whisper it, but put all your conviction into it. It forces your mind to see the situation differently. Try it!
  3. Thank you :), I will definitly try it next time the pmo need builds to a climax. However it seems like I have prevented the relapse by 1. Making this thread. 2. Watching Master of puppets live (1989) in Seattle on a VERY loud volume. That experience was better than porn, and it is thanks to abstaning from pmo that it was. I finally was able to forget the pmo need in the back of mind.
  4. bobross

    bobross Fapstronaut

    Every time you fight another battle, and every little bit count :)
    SwedishViking likes this.
  5. Nagual

    Nagual Fapstronaut

    If the urges get really strong and Im close to relapsing I tell myself "Ok, I dont have to stop using porn or masturbation for the rest of your life, but this ... days I will definitely not!".

    We are addicts, phrases like "rest of my life" seems sometimes really overwhelming in the temptation of urges. This advice I got from Noah BE Church (check his youtube) and it really helps me a lot.
    SwedishViking likes this.
  6. Thank you for the advice. My filosophy is to stay clean for the rest of my life. But it might be an unwise way of thinking when urges hit. I can therefore see why it makes sense to not overwhelm yourself with that thought. Thank you Nagual
    Nagual likes this.
  7. Ohcaptainmycaptain

    Ohcaptainmycaptain Fapstronaut

    I think this is a GREAT call-out. Stay strong brother. The things you have begun to experience will only get better.
    SwedishViking likes this.