Great stretch of 4 weeks, now the urges :(

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Michael D, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. Michael D

    Michael D Fapstronaut

    Hi all, looking for some insight here. I've been honest with myself and really stuck to this program. I've had a great 4 week stretch and so far so good, but.... now the urges are starting to flood my mind. Cheers to me, ive actually witheld from the porn and the masterbation. I guess im hoping this is a normal reaction and im not the only one experiencing this. Part of me is really scared to relapse because well... im proud of myself, i can see a change in myself and the way i treat my SO has been amazing. Just curious on thoughts.
    ClearChrystal and Grow_out_of_it like this.
  2. Grow_out_of_it

    Grow_out_of_it Fapstronaut

    Hey I'm on day 44 and the urges you are talking about are quiet normal. You have to fight them. Dont relapse it will make you feel more shit and disgusting. I was going to relapse on my day 30 but somehow managed to overcome the urges and I'm here on day 44 . I would advice you to do something which ca divert your mind. Take cold showers and most importantly dont stay alone when the urges hit. Be with someone talk to someone and I'm sure you will get through this period. It's rough patch but once you get pass it it's heavenly.
    My best wishes with you. Stay strong and good luck for your journey. :)
    Varthix likes this.