Constantly relapsing and binging due to discomfort in penis. Please help!

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Joell Small, Apr 17, 2018.

  1. Joell Small

    Joell Small Fapstronaut

    I went on a really long binge streak since last Monday. Since then I fapped 2 times a day and then since Sunday, I fapped 5 times in one day and yesterday 6 times in one day. After that I did twice today. One thing that is really effecting me is my stomach and gas. I feel pressure in my penis constantly because of that and also getting anxiety and triggered when my penis rubs against my pants and underwear. I am getting scared to even put on normal boxer and pants because it touches a little on my penis. Even accidentally yesterday my hand touched my penis and I got anxiety and panic and relapsed. Some reason it is stuck in my head I am forced to relapse if my penis rubs up against my pants or it is accidentally touched by my hand. I really went down after November. In November, I made it to 12 days maximum. I was working out at home and had so much energy. I was so hyper, horny, and happy, but I was also not that scared of my dick being touched. Now after that around December I had wet dreams a little often and usually I controlled. But on weekends when I had wet dreams some reason I decided to relapse. I had a wet dream after another wet dream. I kept feeling drained and then one day I relapsed after a wet dream and had so much anxiety that I had sexual problems. I thought I was exhausted and my penis was pushing it out on its own. I was so scared for any ejaculation. Since then I relapsed every 3 days, then made 5 days, then again 3, then I went down to 2 days, then since march after 4 day streaks I relapsed two days in a row. I thought that was too much and then I started getting OCD, Anxiety and Gas and my penis was feeling weird. I was getting too scared to touch my penis and I thought if it rubs against my pants I forced to relapse and a little rub or edge means I have to relapse. I don't know what to do. Do any supplements help at this point? I tried zinc and it helped to an extent and ashwagandha, but I need to control and not get scared of my pants rubbing my penis and boxer also rubbing them. I went back to the habits I said I will never go back to. I get the anxiety and panic feeling making me relapse. I feel trapped and stuck especially when gassy and my penis looks exhausted. I started walking so weirdly trying to keep my penis from touching my boxers or pants. Hands in pockets and bending when walking. It is so much harder. I feel like I failed but same time have hope. I don't know where it will stop. I don't like this. The anxiety is too much. Back to the old habits. I am horrible in public and cant argue or say anything to anyone. I blurting out weird shit and just acting like a drunk. I made 7 days every week before the 12 day streak. Then my parents bought a new Mercedes and I was so hyped and excited that I completely stopped fapping for 12 days, and kept making 10 day streaks. I took magnesium, b12, b6, vitamin d and ashwagandha when every I relapsed or took it sometimes when I wanted too. I had the energy and now its kind of reduced. It doesn't feel good. The constant anxiety is there. You can see I am jumping around in this thread. Just someone tell me a good trick.
    PMO addict and j_pwc_bat like this.
  2. j_pwc_bat

    j_pwc_bat Fapstronaut

    "Just someone tell me a good trick."
    See number 5 below -- works very good.

    Congratulations on your 12 day streak!
    That shows you that you c-a-n go long periods of time without PMO. (You just need some distractions ... or diversions ...................a.k.a. [hobby; interest you enjoy; Favorite music.]

    In my opinion........ try giving the vitamin supplements a 1 week break and see if you don't feel better. The human body is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .......... COMPLEX........... with INTRICATE chemical reactions ............. PROBABLY 1,ooo,ooo,ooo different names.... synergistic.........etc. JUST TRY AND EAT A HEALTHY DIET.......LOTS OF VEGGIES..........VARIETY OF FOODS (to get micro nutrients)............
    Maybe a multivitamin and mineral tablet once in a while.

    I think you can get healthier & get peace fast -- with some adjustments :)
    Anxiety is always replaced with CONFIDENCE....... when you do no PMO.

    Maybe Different Underwear would help? (-) Boxers Shorts allow a lot of movement.
    In the Men's section, all big stores sell Men's "Bikini Briefs" -- that should help contain things better, and keep loose boxers from rubbing. (Also, I'd recommend you buy 1 size bigger -- don't want them to be too tight -- need some room.)

    And that you reeeeaaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyy like cars (as a hobby....... or career........or.......?)
    Soooooooooo........... you CAN do positive maintenance on the 'Benz -- and other cars your family has.

    (Can you say 'distraction' or 'diversion'?)
    1. You can wash the car ....... wax the car ....... check the tire PSI ....... vacuum the interior.....etc.
    (*Caution: read the Owners Manual, index for any Special soaps, waxes, etc --- on the expensive car.)
    2 You can start watching free Car Repair .... car Selling..... etc .... (whatever videos interest you).

    Free Tips for Success:

    1. You literally don't have to watch porn ever again. (self.NoFap)
    submitted 2 years ago by
    BazookaMorpheus88 Days

    2. When PMO is not even an option (self.NoFap)
    submitted 3 years ago * by
    Kestral 233 days

    3. Google: "The pain of self-discipline [4] is far less than the pain of regret [8]" ..... Find an image you like......... and save it onto your computer or phone. (Ex: Go outside and get some fresh air. Temptations usually last only 10-20 minutes.)

    4. Daily or Weekly Rewards -- treats or dessert (for good behavior); or buy something related to a hobby you really enjoy; listen to your favorite songs, etc.

    5. Some guy on line had this great advice: " Never touch your dick……[or female parts for women]."
    Tip……. when showering use a wash cloth

    6. Humor ....... Google: "Glad you could join me Mr. Bond". Funny, somewhat possessed toddler............... Anyone know the Villain the toddler is supposed to represent?

    7. Click on the NoFap "Emergency" button and find an image you like. Keep the image in an open window on your computer or phone (positive influence on your mind….. and behavior):

    BONUS I -- Fasting can help you have more self control; and has many health benefits. You can skip meals; or entire days -- your choice. If you skip breakfast, you can use GREEN TEA (WITH CAFFEINE) as a low cost, mild, healthy stimulant that gives you energy.

    BONUS II -- Go to…………….. Encourage others or give them Advice [gets the focus off of ourselves and on onto others]. Works very Good.

    BONUS III -- This may be the most important: Are You Willing to Do Whatever It Takes? (Get up off your Heinekin [butt] and go outside; drive to a market or gas station at 3 am [for anonymous supervision] and buy a snack or soda?; go for a walk around the block at 5am?) As soon as you make the (AYWTDWIT?) commitment -- there is an extremely High Success Rate.

    Good luck
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2018
  3. PMO addict

    PMO addict Fapstronaut

    If you were circumcized at birth you might want to look up circumcision trauma. Some people suffer a lot from having been circumcized. I found it to be true for me.