Anorgasmia? So that's what it's called...

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Legault, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. Legault

    Legault Fapstronaut

    I've had issues over the last 2 years reaching orgasm while having sex. I thought it was related to drinking, as I'd often drink before I'd hook up, but after I limited my drinking to once or twice a week, I'd still have the issue. I could last ridiculously long, but it reached a point where neither of us enjoyed it anymore. I never had a problem getting or maintaining an erection, but the excitement would wear off and I'd just be acting out the part like it was my job. I'd close my eyes and fantasize about other situations when I had a living, breathing woman right in front of me. It was frustrating, embarrassing and tiring.
    The silver lining to all of this is that I cut my porn usage way down over the past few months, and have now gone about 3 weeks without porn or masturbating. I feel more of an emotional connection to my partner, among other positive benefits, and can actually get there without taking forever. She and I both have a much healthier relationship now. When I get urges, I don't give in physically, but I think of her and save the energy for when I see her. I let her know that I'm thinking about her and it turns her on just as much! I feel like much more of a man.
    Porn definitely fucks up our brains and relationships, but we can return.
  2. Congratulations on the self discovery and changes you have made.
  3. oddish

    oddish Fapstronaut

    Congratulations man.. very happy for you!
    I too am in same situation in which you were(anorgasmia - I had to spend some time on google to find out the word for it, i always thought its an extreme case of DE ;-) ). I am doing nofap for 2 weeks now. I plan to do 60 days nofap before trying sex with my wife.
    Legault likes this.
  4. Legault

    Legault Fapstronaut

    I've only slipped (fapped) about once in the past month, and the change has been like day and night. The last few times with my girl have been regular and real. I actually worry about not lasting long enough, since I'm so much more present and feel so much more. It's life changing. I couldn't encourage you enough to stay with it!
  5. Congratulations that is good to hear.
    Don't worry about how long you last, just enjoy this.
  6. Yay this is brilliant news well done :D
    Legault likes this.
  7. Suhayb

    Suhayb Fapstronaut

    Hey I am dealing with the same issues.did you recover