5th years the Charm. Reboot sharing

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Apr 2, 2019.

  1. Yes you read that right, I will have been on NoFAP for 5 years this coming July.

    This isn't meant to scare you or to seek pity. My journey is my own and in 5 years time I could have completely broken this addiction but i did not. I had multiple 90+ day streaks and went back to porn. *FTW i was never someone who looked at porn every day. I never had issues with PIED, extreme fetishes, or getting gf's. That is how addictive porn really is. But i had always looked at it since i was probably 12.
    Here's my advice for anyone who is just stepping into the realization that porn needs to leave their life. These are things i wish i would have known starting out..

    - Stop viewing NoFAP as an (X) day challenge. That's fine if you want to quit porn for 30 days and then live the rest of your life masturbating like you've conquered it. This post isn't for you, move on*. For everyone else who knows they are in fact addicted it is so incredibly important that you start viewing NOFAP as a lifestyle. I can 100% promise you that if you just aim for a goal of 1-3 months you will relapse back into it. Those 3 months are the beginning, the only end goal is no porn ever again. If you want to break an addiction it's important to treat it as such. An alcoholic who is in recovery does not occasionally drink alcohol. It's 0, none, not at all. No edging, no occasional viewing.

    - NOFAP is a full integration of a WHOLE NEW LIFESTYLE
    The mind and the body are intimately connected. This is a healing process we are talking about here. You will not have the strength and willpower necessary if you do not pay closer attention to what you eat, what you drink, what people/places you interact with
    & what thoughts you tell yourself. Under the PMO is pain, insecurity, shame, guilt, anger, lust any number of destructive emotions and habits. If you want to stop looking at porn, HELP YOURSELF. Eat properly, exercise, meditate.

    - Honesty.Persevere. Learn
    Something that might freak you out.. but out of the entire group of people i started building a community with on NoFAP 5 years ago(40+ people), i think there are maybe 2 left. These aren't people who stopped logging on because they were recovered. Every one of them quit. They stopped thinking they could ever rid themselves of porn and therefore the slow suicide of porn will be with them for the rest of their lives until they decide once again to begin. THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO IS TO STOP QUITTING PORN. There have been times I've completely broken down after a relapse. Times i felt i couldn't even look my girl in her eyes but i have decided there is nothing in this world that is going to stop me from reaching my goal of complete removal of porn. No matter how hard it is to reset that counter be honest with yourself and learn. In that you transform failure into a potential lesson for growth.

    - Wanting bigger picture success over short-term pleasure
    This one is simple. If the want to watch porn is still more important than other things in your life that it gets in the way of. you simply won't stop. Before you fap again ask yourself these questions. Does this help me grow? Is this bringing me more success in my love life? Do i cherish porn more than a healthy view on sex? How will i feel 15 minutes after I'm done? Is porn going to be something i'm glad i spent my time on when I'm old and dying? Sometimes this means we are in for a long ride before we truly hit bottom. Never forget, it's your life, it's your choices. But the need to quit has to be stronger.

    NOFAP is a lifestyle, not a challenge.
    The lifestyle includes both mind and body changes, not just no porn.
    Failures transform into lessons if you keep striving. Persevere/learn
    The want to quit has to be greater than the want to fap.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2019
    Anonymous86 and bigboibez like this.
  2. bigboibez

    bigboibez Fapstronaut

    Great post man. I fully agree with you. Despite me relapsing after some good streaks, i never gave up. I am trying to stop viewing porn as pleasure and see it as the illusion it really is. I genuinely despise how bad i feel after i PMO and remind myself its not worth it. I am happy to be free. I am never going to look back. I have made a vow to never PMO again regardless of how im feeling because it will make EVERY SITUATION WORSE. I choose not to view porn ever again and I will be a better person because of it.