14 Years is Too Long

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. I am a 28 year old male. I started watching pornography when I was 14 and have been addicted to it ever since.
    I was always shy growing up but always had friends and a healthy social life until I started watching porn. My shyness evolved into extreme social anxiety and I started avoiding every and all social situations until I had no more friends and no more social life. My social anxiety became so bad at one point that I was too scared to even go outside.
    I am tired of watching pornography, i am tired of this social anxiety, I am tired of living with my parents at this age. I want to change, I need to change. My change starts here with quitting porn and masturbation.
    Faker2018 and Deleted Account like this.
  2. hell fucking yeah. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. these forums are bloody brilliant, stick around and i'm sure you'll get any support you need. good luck on your journey sir, and make sure you keep a positive attitude.
  3. That’s the way to go, Moonborn! I’m happy you’ve decided to take action, it’s the start of a path towards health and recovery. It’s great that you’re aware of the aspects you want to change, and you’ve picked a clear place to begin with.

    As the wind is cold said, the community is genuinely positive and encouraging, so feel free to participate! We’re all here looking to help each other and form a support group.
    It’s really important to stay positive throughout this journey, and you seem to be really motivated in succeeding.

    Keep that mindset going forward and it’ll become a lot easier! Feel free to get in contact if I could be of any assistance. I wish you all the best on your journey!
  4. Welcome on the forum and good luck on your journey!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. That was me ~1.5 years ago. Afraid and anxious to even go out buy some bread. 500+ days later, im a different person. I go to shops, I hang out, I go to weddings etc. I got more friends. Its incredible how damaging this addiction is.
    Good luck my man! Things are going to get so much better if you quit it!
    Deleted Account and R.W Tales like this.
  6. Faker2018

    Faker2018 Fapstronaut

    Hi, im also new to nofap community but i wish you will have enough strength to reach your goal and get a better life.

    Best Regards
    Deleted Account and R.W Tales like this.
  7. You're all awesome! Thank you for the encouraging words. I feel that with a community as great as this, conquering our addictions is going to be a little less challenging. Thank you.
    Faker2018 and Deleted Account like this.