Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by UNSATISFIED, May 26, 2019.


    UNSATISFIED Fapstronaut

    Hello Nofappers,
    First I want to say, if you are a person who blames his mistakes/responsibilities to porn or whatever the fuck you blame into, get the hell outta here.
    Ok I believe now we are clear,
    So you are sitting in your chair, trying to accomplish something(saying no to porn in this case) and just can't do it huh? Can't stop a fucking addiction. It is destructive, right?

    My mission here is not just to help people with this particular addiction, but I will spread this rare mentality of mine for EVERY PART IN YOUR LIFE to as many people as possible till I die. That is my life mission. Everyday we are growing and people thank me. Now you are saying OK man what are you talking about? What is the secret to success in every area?

    Well, it is not exercise, cold shower, or meditation even though what I will talk about is a little bit inside all of this. The secret is turning pain into pleasure and getting more of it while never being satisfied and wanting more and more and more. Till you can't anymore. This is the single quality that differs a champion from a poor coward. What I want people to know and practice every second is JUST DO WHATEVER THAT IS GOING TO LEAD YOU TO GROWTH, AND GROWTH WON'T HAPPEN WITHOUT PAIN, NO PAIN NO GAIN BABY(FLASHES GUNZ :D).

    This may sound simple, what you need to practice is lets say you are doing planks or any exercise, and you can't do any more than 5 reps. While you are on rep 5, you will say 1 MORE, THEN 6, 1MORE, THEN 7, 1 MORE TILL YOU SHAKE AND WEIGHT DROPS. THATS WHEN REAL GROWTH HAPPENS. Or let's say you are working, and just tired and all that, so your boss says you can go home. I want you to not just work until your shift is done , but past that if you don't fell asleep. Because what is going to happen is you will feel fucking awesome when you are done with it and proud of myself, and that's when REAL CONFIDENCE BUILDS. Is it possible for anyone, YES BUT YOU GOTTA GO THROUGH PAIN WITH LOVE. EVERYDAY I WAKE UP I WAKE UP HUNGRY(not food-wise although that too) FOR MY NEEDS(financial and emotional) SO I WAKE UP WITH ENTHUSIASM AND DRIVE THAT I WILL WORK HARD FOR WHAT I WANT NO MATTER WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENS. You practice this in every area, perhaps everyone is different and for example maybe you are a person that is afraid of public speaking, then what you want and gotta do is do it practice it till you win. I had that fear of public speaking, What I did is just whenever a chance comes, either in class or in public, I just did it and right now I can confidently tell you(after couple years of trying) I fucking destroyed that fear and now can dance while 1,000 or 5,000 people watching me. I don't care. What you gotta do is surpress your emotions to get what you want.

    Now let's get into the topic if you care what other think and I want to give you this mindset. I will tell you what happened at my job. So 2 months ago, I started working in a local cafe in my town, as a cashier. There are 7 coworkers in the place and 2 managers and 1 boss. When I got into the job, I was friendly with the coworkers, and they see me I am a hardworking dude so they had no reason to hate me at first. We open at 6, boss schedules me at 7-1(had college classes after that). After a week, I started to open with a manager at 6, no one asked me this. I wanted to sacrifice my sleep and pleasure to climb the ladder at work. They didn't pay me for that 1 extra hour, and when we had a lot to do after we are done, and it is past our shift time, I would let whoever wants to go home go home, and do it myself. After a month of getting hired, the boss made a manager. And that's when hate started. Some of my coworkers had been working there for a year and still working for 10$ and I am a manager with 11.5$ hour getting more hours, AFTER A FUCKING MONTH. Everyday I came home, I never thought about how the work was, how stressful was it or what happened, none of that pussy shit. All I thought was I want to get the most hours in this cafe and the one strongest power wise. But I had some problem. All the coworkers tried to bring me down, talk shit behind my back, try to make my name dirty. Do you know how I felt? After all that BULLSHIT jealousy? I FELT FUCKING GOOD. VERY GOOD. Why? Because I did something they couldn't do in a year, I did in a month. ezpz. I NEVER RESPONDED TO THEIR NEGATIVITY. I loved the hate, I was laughing to their face when they tried to bring me down, and they got more mad. So now I am standing here. Boss let me schedule myself and others, and if they disrespect me again in any way, I cut their hours and add to mine. A guy couldn't stand it and got into very intense verbal fight with me, I told it to the boss and he said one of us had to go, and he needs me because he believes in me the most after a month, and he was the one got fired. After that guy, everyone got fake-friendly with me again LOL. That was a big VICTORY for me. I love the hate. Never forget guys, the ship doesn't get sinked unless the water gets inside the ship, and the waves are what makes sailing fun. Ship is ourselves, negativity is the water. If we let negativity get into our ship, we will have problems, so swim with them, I assure you, it will only get more fun. Another quote from my country-"if a dog doesn't bark to you, then you haven't succeeded in this world". STOP CARING OTHERS, IF THEY HATE YOU, LOVE IT AND LET THEM DEAL WITH IT.

    Another thing I want to point out is(I got into this forum today and saw a lot of mentally weak people and this is the helping hand to them) come on guys, porn isn't the cause for ALL YOUR PROBLEMS. I saw things like" I walk hunchback because of porn" NO IT IS NOT THE CAUSE AND YOU KNOW THAT "Oh I can't look girls in the eye or view them as normal human beings" NO PORN IS NOT THE CAUSE FOR IT, THE CAUSE IS YOU HAVE NO EXPERIENCE AND IF YOU CONTINUE IN THAT MINDSET YOU WILL NEVER GET OUT OF IT.

    So I want to invite all of you to work towards your goal(it may be getting a gf, gettin bigger at gym, not fapping, public speaking, winning shyness etc.) with the maximum input and enthusiasm, and when your motivation finishes AND BELIEVE ME IT WILL FINISH, EVEN MINE FINISHES and that's when pain starts and that's when you convert the pain to pleasure because you know in the end more pain more positive output.

    OK BRO, you tell all of this, but why? What do you want to do with it>
    So First when you understand the mentality of loving pain and pushing( if you don't understand, DM me, and tell what part you need help), I want you to work on your goal everyday and when you feel low on motivation, come back to this post to see the right path.
    All you need to do is this: Comment about what pain you endured last time, and how did it feel after you accomplished, what is your goal at the moment, w AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, WHAT KIND OF PAIN YOU WILL ENDURE TO GET TO YOUR GOAL.


    NOTE: I am new to nofap, I like this challenge because there is a pain in this and I have a love relationship with pain as I told you :D. I am on my first try it has been 4 days my girl likes it too since I pound her at least 1 more time when we have sex now. I only cut porn and masturbation.




    UNSATISFIED Fapstronaut

    Last time endured pain: I just ran 6 miles when I really wanted to go home while I was at mile 4. Pushed myself like crazy.
    Goal: Make 700$ a week since it is summer and I got no more school.
    Pain for goal: Do uber after working at cafe. If it seems like I can't make 700$, don't sleep and get that money no matter what happens.
  3. ShyIIock

    ShyIIock Fapstronaut

    ͡Fuck, Fuck, Fuck ... exuse my language, english is my second language (° ͜ʖ ͡°) :D :D :D

    UNSATISFIED Fapstronaut

    Was that too much for you sensitive boi?
  5. ShyIIock

    ShyIIock Fapstronaut

    yy definitely
    UNSATISFIED likes this.

  6. Let's fuckin go!!
    UNSATISFIED likes this.

    UNSATISFIED Fapstronaut

    Come on guys.... where’s all the people and desire to change??
  8. I'm ready my friend. I'll face my life head on no matter what! I ain't never going back to PMO. 20days in might as well be 2000

    UNSATISFIED Fapstronaut

    I am glad that you have the mindset. I believe you will succeed and We will help each other throughout this journey. If I can help people see through the world with the loving pain mindset, I get really happy because it is the secret to achieve anything.
    Let’s face our FUCKING problems till they don’t exist no more, and resist to achieve things till we die!!! (Some kids here don’t like the f word. DEAL WITH IT FUCKING HATERS) :D
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. bikinhappy

    bikinhappy Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Great mindset inside, I will keep it remind. Thanks!!! :)
    UNSATISFIED likes this.

    UNSATISFIED Fapstronaut

    I am glad you will use it in the future for benefit. Keep spreading the idea so people achieve more and win together.
    bikinhappy likes this.
  12. I like you words sometimes we red to hear things we dont want to some can straight in the fuck up honestly I'm just tired of going back I'm not any more I'm gonna build my life my family my business my mind state bro. This ain't to game. Ik from Toronto and the Raptors are going to the NBA finals for the first time in history...sounds stupid but it made me want to make history too for myself
    bikinhappy likes this.
  13. The title sounds interesting, but your language and the use of all capital letters makes this post unreadable. Please clean it up and you may get better response.
  14. properWood

    properWood Fapstronaut

    The louder you scream, the less it makes me listen.

    Yes and no, you're definitely onto something, but not yet on it. Willpower alone will not make it happen.

    Porn and any other addiction is not the cause of the life's problems, that you are correct about. However, I'd recommend to look into what drives people into porn and other addictions and the answer is not "the reward system".

    The answer is that many of us have had in our previous years a lot of crap thrown at us, in large quantities and in rapid succession. Life has sped up increasingly since the advent of the internet and it's highly likely your parents were not angels to know everything, so we all have scars and bruises from childhood and a lot of unresolved drama and emotions from our younger years.

    The speed at which the advertising industry and social media tell us that we are not happy unless we buy a product or are better than our (facebook) "friends" is insane, and this doesn't give your mind any respite to catch up with cacophony of emotions. You become jealous, you lose people you care about, you get rejected, you stop caring about yourself because, fuck it, you're not good enough and you get fewer and fewer likes on your instagram posts. This is what today is causing the huge increase in depression rates. And depression leads to addiction, because it's too painful to feel those emotions, so you take up the bottle and the ipad.

    When you were a child and your parents tried their best, but still mistreated you, you developed some coping mechanisms that give you the certainty that you will survive. However, those mechanisms were not re-analysed after you left home, so you still use the same archaic, childlike behaviours to cope with the every day madness, not updated ones. In addition, to cope with today's madness (especially loneliness, fear/anxiety, rejection etc.) people rely on unhealthy coping mechanisms: smoking, drugs, alcohol and pornography.

    So my genuine suggestion is to first solve the emotional pain that's behind any of your addictions and life will sort out by itself :) And screaming will power will not solve it. Welcome to the forum!

    UNSATISFIED Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your opinion.
    I don’t think you read all my post, or if you did, I don’t think you understood it so I advice you to read it again.
    What I emphasized isn’t for addictions, it is for success in any field. Also, I disagree with a point where you say “Life will solve the problem by itself”. No it won’t. It never did and never will. The person himself can solve his problem. If you try to make life solve it, you are taking the easy route and it is not the best option. I personally like to deal with my problems myself which results in achievement and confidence boost. Also, solving the emotional cause is good, yes, but it won’t solve the problem itself. It will help you look at the problem from a different perspective, but you still need willpower and a will to go through it no matter how much pain you get. This is the mindset I am trying to implement. That quality differs losers from winners-the desire and pain taking-
    bikinhappy likes this.

    UNSATISFIED Fapstronaut

    Believing is half of achieving. I don’t think it is stupid since whatever helps you believe it will help you achieve. In this case its a raptors game is what fuels you , then let it fuel you and don’t doubt if its stupid or not.. We are all on the road the get the best for ourselves, I believe we will, and not fapping is a help for that. Glad to hear this, keep facing struggles my man
    bikinhappy and Deleted Account like this.
  17. Christell

    Christell Fapstronaut

    Senseii please I really like that super saiyan mindset can you help to achieve it???
    UNSATISFIED likes this.

    UNSATISFIED Fapstronaut

    Hey soldier jump 3 times fast to achieve it, if u didn’t after jumps, dm me I will show u another tactic %100 guaranteed
  19. Christell

    Christell Fapstronaut

    Hahah I jumped 3 times and did 3 backflips xD I think something is changing here but anyway I will dm you