WHY is this happening to me?

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by flatearthsociety, Mar 9, 2018.

  1. flatearthsociety

    flatearthsociety Fapstronaut

    I had a very BAD dream last night. I dream that I mastur-fucking-bate, then in my dream I was saying I can't hold this shit anymore, well fuck that. I was just 4 days sober, and this shit is happening? GODDAMN.. something fucked up happening.. someone help me. I haven't relapsed yet. but I don't wanna relapse. fuck it.

    and I can't find a girl right now, because it was so hard to me to find a girl in my condition right now. I really need a girl to be friend with.. real Friend. friend for life.. not just a fake friends that came to me when I had a bunch of money and partying, then forget me when I was like broke.. fuck it
    ASD_OZ and j_pwc_bat like this.
  2. Wolves of Wisdom

    Wolves of Wisdom Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Please don't say "fuck it" you can make it! We're all here to believe in you. I'm worried because I can have similar dreams and I wake up confused, wondering whether I truly relapsed or not. I don't have a girl as a real friend either right now so I can really relate to the frustration. I am starting to realize that lifelong friends are made slowly over time and there sure doesn't seem like there is plenty to go around. Please try to seek happiness in your current streak!
    j_pwc_bat likes this.
  3. flatearthsociety

    flatearthsociety Fapstronaut

    yeah man, thanks for the advice. when I say fuck it, I mean fuck for those desire of relapsing. I tried to do some workout like push-ups and sit ups, sometimes plank, but yeah, it made my life better. man, you were the same to me. just 4 days. and the struggle was getting bigger and bigger everyday. be careful man. we can do this.. we can do this. we can quit this idiotic addiction.
    Amarion, j_pwc_bat and WesternWolf like this.
  4. j_pwc_bat

    j_pwc_bat Fapstronaut

    I'd guess that your brain is doing internal house cleaning (cleaning itself up) very normal.
    Girlfriend? Each day you do NoFap ........ you get 1% stronger in all areas. You are on your way to SUCCESS. (You will be more confident, more motivated; women will notice you more and men will respect you more.)

    Here are 7 free tips:

    You literally don't have to watch porn ever again. (self.NoFap)
    submitted 2 years ago by
    BazookaMorpheus88 Days

    2. When PMO is not even an option (self.NoFap)
    submitted 3 years ago * by
    Kestral 233 days

    3. Google: "The pain of self-discipline [4] is far less than the pain of regret [8]" ..... Find an image you like......... and save it onto your computer or phone.

    4. Treats or dessert (for good behavior). Also, if possible, buy something related to a hobby you really enjoy.

    5. Some guy on line had this great advice: " Never touch your dick……[female parts for women]."
    Tip……. when showering use a wash cloth

    6. Humor :) ....... Google: "Glad you could join me Mr. Bond". Funny, somewhat possessed toddler............... Anyone know the Villain the toddler is supposed to represent?

    7. Click on the NoFap "Emergency" button and find an image you like (positive influence): http://i.imgur.com/bbWSvJx.jpg
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2018
  5. flatearthsociety

    flatearthsociety Fapstronaut

    Thanks alot.. you motivate me and I keep getting better, but I thought my brain still cleansing the fog right now.

    And the positive thing is, my thought was clearer right now. More than ever. I never had a streak this long time. My first longest streak of PMO was only two days lol