WHY do we PMO? HOW and WHEN did it become a 'problem'? WHAT can we do about it?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Mark, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    "Some of you sit there with your cock in your hand,
    don't get you nowhere,
    don't make you a man'

    ~John Lennon 'I Found Out'

    You don't have to agree with any/all of this but just sitting down & typing it will be a huge catharsis & if it helps one person then it will have been worth the effort...

    What is masturbating?

    Why do we do it?

    If your reason is to reach orgasm then why?

    Why do you want an orgasm?

    Is it because it feels good?

    If so why does it feel good?

    Is it because its a release?

    If so WHAT are you releasing?

    Is it because you are releasing some kind of tension?

    If so what caused the tension?

    Work? Boredom? A row with your partner? Insomnia?

    Or are they just secondary reasons?

    Is there a primary reason?

    If so could the primary reason you masturbate be because its been a while (however long?) before you LAST masturbated? (This may sound like a ridiculous question but please bear with me.)

    If so do you masturbate/orgasm BECAUSE you masturbate/orgasm & the tension & release cycle the very act of regular/habitual masturbation itself perpetuates?

    Isn't it a bit like smoking? How many smokers tell you that they smoke because they enjoy it? (When it looks & smells like a nasty, expensive, pure & simple pain in the arse BAD choice to most non-smokers)

    Or is it that you enjoy smoking BECAUSE you smoke, that is because lighting & inhaling a cigarette resolves the tension that has been built in the time that has lapsed since your LAST cigarette??

    (And if you do enjoy smoking that's fine its just that as an ex-smoker I remember with honesty those first few cigs & the REAL reason I took it up in the first place- to look 'cool'- that is to win the approval of OTHERS!)

    I once saw a brilliantly insightful Homer Simpson poster in which he was proudly holding up a pint of beer. The slogan read 'Beer! The cause of AND solution to all of life's problems!'


    Doesn't that sound exactly like YOUR addiction?


    "But having an orgasm just feels so plain GOOD!"

    Yes it does.

    But WHY does it feel so good?


    First of all it would help to understand a little (just a little!) about the Chinese concepts of Yin & Yang (honestly!)

    But first let me just point out the following;

    Men are predominantly Yang (but not exclusively)

    And women are predominantly yin (but not exclusively)

    So what are Yin & Yang?

    Very briefly everything is energy & they are the primordial energies & the interplay between the two gives rise to all things (and if you follow a religion theres no need for that to clash with your beliefs)

    Everything contains a bit of Yin & everything contains a bit of Yang & the ancient symbol for both is perhaps one of the most profound & insightful symbols ever created? So much so that Niels Bohr, the late great quantum physicist, adopted it for his family coat of arms.

    Just look at a battery. The + (plus) end is Yang & the - (minus) end is Yin & its the interplay between these complimentary/interdependent (NOT opposing!!) energies that creates the 'spark' that powers your appliance etc.

    Yang is more doing, creative, etc

    Yin is more receptive, nurturing.

    And they NEED each other (but not in a needy way!!)

    If you plug a plug into the wall, the plug is Yang and the socket is Yin, the resultant marrying of the two being 'power' etc

    (Please forgive my layman explanations as it will be more complex than all of this, I am simply trying to convey the essence which is all we need to illustrate the point I'm trying to make)

    The tension you feel when you are craving your next fix (of whatever you are addicted to) is Yin, & the action you take to resolve that tension is Yang.

    Masturbation is Yang. It climaxes with the release of tension which has been built as the flow of your blood changes direction and starts rushing in the direction of your penis. The release of this tension coupled with the subsequent release of (yang) creative energy force is a huge 'relief' and just like any creative release/expression it feels pretty darn GOOD!

    And orgasm feels PARTICULARLY good because maybe, just maybe, its a REWARD system that encourages pro-'creation, and therefore the survival of the species?

    But then humans being humans we simply HAD to take things too far & so PORN was born (not to mention high speed internet!) which completely messed up the whole natural/delicate balance of things (and when were talking Yin and Yang its all about balance!)

    And so sex became an industry.

    And what drives the people who are involved in the porn industry?

    Its money/profit, & addiction, & ego, & more money/profit, & more addiction, & more ego...and all in the context of an increasingly out of balance yang energy/culture (which of course porn has massively fuelled)

    And its caused untold suffering on levels most human beings are too plain ignorant to even begin to acknowledge exsist!

    Think about it.

    Think about how the guys who 'star' in/make porn treat/view the women. And the women (& one can only imagine what the conditions that have forced many of them to be involved in the first place)What about the women?

    Have you got kids? Is that what you would want for them?

    And what about what participating in (watching/purchasing) this industry is doing to you. The way you view women. The way you view yourself.

    But the tide is turning & more & more of us are waking up, which is how we ended up here (so STOP beating yourself up- if you are- & CONGRATULATE yourself for that at least!)

    So how does this help with PMO addiction?


    What if we could channel that creative energy into altogether more meaningful, loving, caring, genuinelly creative, REAL pursuits (just consider what a completely unnatural act it is to mansturbate to fake, unreal images of sex- its ridiculous!) rather than draining ourselves of our creative energy with our habitual and messy quick fixes that do NOTHING but create and perpetuate a pointless addiction (what a WASTE!!!) AND fuel the porn industry!

    And we do the same with drink, drugs, TV, computer games etc etc but IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE THAT WAY!

    We need to WAKE UP & recognise how completely & utterly f****d up the whole thing is because we are better than that!

    But again, please dont let us beat ourselves up. Surely the road to recovery starts by simply acknowledging the problem, accepting it & making the concious decision to make the positive changes required?

    We are, & can, and will do this by becoming more creative, finding ways to make better/wiser choices and finding more constructive/meaningful/ beneficial ways of channeling our creative (yang) energies!!

    But I mentioned earlier the importance of BALANCE and so there is an absolute REQUIREMENT to fully embrace our YIN aspects(even if the dinosaur, alpha male, macho man calls you a 'pussy'!) which is receptive to new ideas,nurturing of yourself & others.

    And this is SO important!!

    It could be argued that life has an inner purrpose & an outer purpose. Your inner purpose concerns 'being' (Yin). The outer purpose concerns doing (yang) & these purposes need to be aligned (remember Yin and Yang are complimentary NOT opposing!) Again its all about balance (although I would suggest being/Yin is of primary importance in a world that is CURRENTLY predominantly Yang/doing orientated)

    And what if your 'problem' is simply life presenting you with an 'opportunity' to learn and grow? What if everything that has happened to you up until this point has all been 100% necessary?

    How often do we mistake the wrapping for the gift?

    Please carefully consider this as it may really help you re- frame your 'problem', view it with fresh eyes, and enable you to make real & LASTING changes?

    What if life gives us EXACTLY what we need to facilitate our evolution/growth?

    Wouldn't it be a terrible waste to miss the opportunities life affords us simply because we are not paying attention?

    Its time for CHANGE! (And that's REAL change! NOT the crap the politicians 'sell' us in order to fulfill the illusion of yet another fake 'election'!)


    "Problems cannot be solved with the same mind set that created them"
    ~ Albert Einstein

    So COME ON! Surely NOW its time we started utilising that creative energy wisely, STOP wasting something so inherently precious on something as inherently FLAWED as PMO, and START using it as FUEL for our new creative, life affirming, and fulfilling pursuits, which could be anything you CHOOSE, including creating the life YOU want & deserve?

    Its make your mind up time!

    Did you 'choose' your addiction? (and when I say 'addiction' I am referring to anything you do that is not good for you which you feel you are currently unable to stop doing)

    Of course you didn't.

    Because to choose something you have to be conscious/aware of what you were letting yourself in for otherwise its not really a 'choice', its simply something you are blindly going along with.

    Only with 'awareness' comes REAL choice...

    "Keep you doped with religion, sex, and TV. And you think your so clever and classless and free. But your still f*****g peasants as far as I can see"
    ~ John Lennon (Working Class Hero)

    "All of matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death. Life is just a dream. And we are the imagination of ourselves."
    ~ Bill Hicks

    So what are you going to 'imagine'?

    If this helps try this...http://www.nofap.org/forum/showthread.php?4054-Getting-Started-with-Sexual-Energy-Transmutation
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2014
  2. sisc1

    sisc1 New Fapstronaut

    GREAT TEXT! THank you!
  3. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Cheers mate, I sincerely hope it helped? :)
  4. SlavenoMore

    SlavenoMore Fapstronaut

    That was beautiful. Congratulations.