What is wrong with me!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by DiegoNunez7749, Jul 12, 2019.

  1. DiegoNunez7749

    DiegoNunez7749 Fapstronaut

    Just so you know I’m a straight male)

    Ever since I was small I found that my nipples felt very good when I touched them. Then later on I found that jerking off felt good too and then I just combined the too while watching porn. My question is why do I have no interest in touching my penis during my NoFap streak but rather I want to touch my nipples so bad!??
    Davidphd1866 likes this.
  2. Ravefist

    Ravefist Fapstronaut

    Probably because your brain is wired to like that sensitivity. Most guys would never want their nips to be messed with.maybe you've got some parts of your brain that have female-type proclivities. I imagine the same thing could be observed in gay people
  3. DiegoNunez7749

    DiegoNunez7749 Fapstronaut

    Your fucked up bro lmao I’m not gay
    Mri likes this.
  4. Ravefist

    Ravefist Fapstronaut

    I didnt say you were gay, haha, but you got to keep in mind that we have both feline and masculine hormones and receptors. I mean, its not normal to get aroused from nipple stimulation as a male, right? So either porn and masturbation has affected some part of your brain or you are going through some developmental changes at the moment. How old are you if i may ask?
  5. DiegoNunez7749

    DiegoNunez7749 Fapstronaut

  6. hairlesschewbacca

    hairlesschewbacca Fapstronaut

    Your hormones are off the wall at this point. Any physical touch is probably stimulating to you. Don’t overthink this. Just quit watching porn and masterbating before you get into your 20s and find yourself in a vicious dopamine cycle of trying to live a normal life with emotions dictated by your PMO habits.
  7. DiegoNunez7749

    DiegoNunez7749 Fapstronaut

    Did you quit yet?
  8. Ravefist

    Ravefist Fapstronaut

    Jesus Christ, dude. If I were that young, I'd stay away from masturbation as if it were the devil (which it is). I didnt fap until I was 17, and I regret it ever since. Brother to brother, address your addictions an straighten yourself out before this takes over your life. I know its painful and annoying to hear this form another person, but I wish someone had told me these kinds of things BEFORE I fapped when I was 17. I come from an Asian household, and my parents never mentioned this because its so taboo. If someone had sat down and talked with me about this, maybe I wouldnt have ruined my life to the extent that I have. I can only hope that I can recover, and I'm trying my best. Do your best, and nothing less, my friend. You owe it to yourself.
  9. hairlesschewbacca

    hairlesschewbacca Fapstronaut

    Yes I’ve been clean over 2 months. I’m not completely healed yet but I’m getting better. But I regret doing it to start and know my life could be completely different.
    DiegoNunez7749 likes this.
  10. Ravefist

    Ravefist Fapstronaut

    DId you lose hair when fapping?
    DiegoNunez7749 likes this.
  11. DiegoNunez7749

    DiegoNunez7749 Fapstronaut

    Lmao you think that’s young ?? I’ve been masturbating since like 11 (;
  12. DiegoNunez7749

    DiegoNunez7749 Fapstronaut

    What do you mean you regret it?
  13. Davidphd1866

    Davidphd1866 Fapstronaut

    I have that same nipple connection. I think you are on to something Diego.
    DiegoNunez7749 likes this.
  14. hairlesschewbacca

    hairlesschewbacca Fapstronaut

    No... BUT I have noticed that my hair seems to shine and is a little thicker since I quit PMO. I’ve had sex 5 times since I started NoFap so my results might be different than someone else who hasn’t ejaculated at all.
  15. Ravefist

    Ravefist Fapstronaut

    How tall are you reight now? I have a theo
    ry that the younger you start fapping, the shorter you end up being. Please prove this wrong....
  16. DiegoNunez7749

    DiegoNunez7749 Fapstronaut

    I’m average height.. I’m pretty tall In my family cause I’m taller than both my parents
  17. Ravefist

    Ravefist Fapstronaut

    ok good. Have you noticed any hair loss? You are only 13, so it will be hard to see
  18. DiegoNunez7749

    DiegoNunez7749 Fapstronaut

    Nope My hair is pretty ok