Want to beat this habit for good!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Ldsmississippi, Sep 27, 2014.

  1. Ldsmississippi

    Ldsmississippi New Fapstronaut

    I am a 45 yr old happily married man who has had a problem with pornography for about 10 years now. I started fapping at age 14 and it's been off and on since. I developed a porn problem later in my married life I believe as a way to relieve stress and other selfish reasons. My wife knows of my problem and has been supportive to help me quit. I love her dearly and don't want to keep hurting her and myself. I never mixed fapping with viewing porn until about 2 years ago and now this seems to be more frequent. I recently relapsed after a 3 month streak and would like to beat my longest streak of 5 months of no porn. I would like to stop both fapping and porn altogether. I came across this website after watching "the great porn experiment" and decided it would help me to be in a group so we can help each other. So let's work together. We can do it!
  2. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut

    Good luck. Porn and masturbation are a bad combo. Much better just to masturbate if you must. There's a lot at stake and you might like this article: http://yourbrainonporn.com/guys-who-gave-porn-sex-and-romance as well as the videos at that site (run by "The Great Porn Experiment" speaker of the TEDx talk).
  3. Phoenix-free

    Phoenix-free Fapstronaut

    It's a challenge, but a challenge worth taking. Way to go! The support I've felt from this site has been extremely helpful, but I give the credit for my current abstinence to God. Welcome to the site, bro.
  4. fightback

    fightback Banned

    the only time i ever went 3 months is when i had no tv and no internet connection in my home. Eventually i got my cable back up and running so i could watch some sporting events again and sure enough i would go looking for anything even partially stimulating. this led to sometimes 7 or 8 straight days of pmo. I haven't even been a month since that reset about 4 years ago. I am currently on the longest active streak since that major relapse. But it is different this time...even in the first month through. I actually feel victory and not just abstaining from it. My mind is being transformed, praise God, and freedom is my destination
  5. Ldsmississippi

    Ldsmississippi New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the article. Anything helps at this point.
  6. harish077

    harish077 Fapstronaut

  7. FapHappyNOmore

    FapHappyNOmore Fapstronaut

    How is it going? Are you having success - fantastic your mate is aware and supportive!

    I have no doubt you can do it!

    Good Luck!