Wanking makes me feel asexual and act effeminate/gay

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by BetaToAlpha, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. BetaToAlpha

    BetaToAlpha Guest

    OK, I know this is controversial for today's PC society. But I've noticed that all these 16 years when I would wank every day at least once I always felt like a little bitch inside. Mind you, I still digged females romantically, but I was asexual. I could only get horny by my hand lol. That's why I never watched porn, so for me only MO was the problem. I wonder how many MtoF trans people were actually pushed into that by wanking too much and getting their brains feminized? I know when I fap I relate more to women and seem to dislike guy stuff and interests (that I naturally LOVED as a kid pre-MO). :)

    NoFap made me see women in a different way, it's like a deja vu from my pre-wanking times when I would find breasts and female faces exciting. NoFap makes me a normal guy, while jerking off makes me asexual. Why is that? Will I have to retain my semen always? How will a GF/wife feel if she gets the asexual/gay vibes every time I climax with her?! She's gonna leave me I think. I did a NoFap for 9 days and after relapsing I no longer feel horny while watching the same pop music videos with lots of boobs I've been watching these days.

    TL;DR: Am I the only one who turns into an asexual lesbian inside due to orgasming? It's really terrible to be so overly emotional, unstable, to be scared of other guys and even intimidated by strong girls lol. And to like girls only romantically, but not to feel much sexual attraction to anyone. And to feel like you hate your gender and all guy things like sports, action movies etc. while I actually naturally enjoy when my brain is clear from fapping. I wonder if PMO is the reason why there are more MtoF trans people than FtoM? I actually tried "going gay" as women no longer would excite me and that's how realized I only dig girls (not proud at all, trying to forget). But my first sexual experience was to female boobs and when I'm NoFap I go back into liking boobs again. I was almost starting to think about transitioning to a female so I can be a lesbian and date girls...as a woman! PMO really destroys so many lives! Now I listen to FtoM masculinization videos to revert some of the damage of fapping. And yep, growing up and now my crushes have always been female. I remember getting hard by boobs before I discovered masturbation, so my theory is orgams makes your brain more receptive to estrogen or something. This explains why I was into WWE and action movies and then suddenly I wanted to watch soap operas and romcoms in my teens where I would cry at every scene. When I do NoFap I feel like watching the WWE and action movies again and I hate those sappy romcoms.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2017
  2. TheLoneDanger

    TheLoneDanger Fapstronaut

    You mentioned listening to "FtoM masculinization videos"? What are these videos and where did you find them? It just sounds strange that there would be such a thing. All you need to do is stop fapping and fantasizing about everything under the sun, because it's you desensitizing yourself and moving on to weirder things. That's all that is happening if you were originally into girls.

    I've heard this theory stated before by new members in these forums about masturbation alone causing some sort of estrogen spike and subsequent testosterone deficiency which causes one to become more "feminine", yet you can search for studies on this and find nothing more than a slight dip in testosterone in the immediate aftermath of ejaculation. Choosing same sex subjects to fantasize while masturbation has no correlation with "becoming feminine". If you're actually becoming feminine, it's a separate issue.
  3. BetaToAlpha

    BetaToAlpha Guest

    Thank you bro. I found those masculinizing frequencies on YouTube. I think with xenoestrogens like plastic, chemicals and soy we all need to listen to the "estrogen detox" ones, but I digress. It is not a separate issue. I mean PMO makes me feel/act more feminine for some reason. It sucks being overly emotional and feeling like crying all the time. And not being able to form friendships with other dudes because it makes me feel intimidated by them and unable to relate to them.

    Digging women just romantically but being asexual due to fapping ruined my dating life.
    And women feel it - on NoFap they give me smiles and look at me. Wanking renders me invisible to females of productive age (post-menopausal women, guys and little kids don't ignore me but they are put off by my wanker vibes, maybe I look like on drugs or something). So there's something more to wanking that affects my brain in a weird fashion. On NoFap I feel like my true self and start finding female breasts the most attractive body part in others. And that's why I often relapse. So a catch 22 really. When I climax suddenly I look at breasts and feel nothing at all (Coolidge effect?), not to discount the anhedonia, brain fog and depression climaxing brings for the days after. I detest this asexual state. And I would MO despite it, can you imagine?

    I think anything more than one orgasm per week is detrimental for my well-being.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2017
  4. Yes fapping can give you gay thoughts. You're messing with your entire endocrine system every time you fap. The solution: no more PMO i.e. nofap. You'll experience for yourself that the thoughts and thinking that you are gay do go away.

    I think part of the cause is in trying to identify with the females in porn movies. I don't have any clues really but porn truly is the cause of your thoughts 100%. It really is demonic and messing with your mind. Get rid of it and the thoughts will follow.
  5. BetaToAlpha

    BetaToAlpha Guest

    I think it's too much orgasm for me really as I rarely watch any porn (sometimes get panic attacks instead of arousal so I avoid it). For me climaxing really depletes something as it makes me feel like crap for days after. I hope it's not the same with real women vs my hand because if it is I don't think I'll like sex that much.
  6. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    I've had fantasies where I'm sucking off some dude or am acting like effeminate. Nopmo has reduced the intensity of those thoughts. I hope a complete reboot helps me.
    BetaToAlpha likes this.
  7. BetaToAlpha

    BetaToAlpha Guest

    Lol I'll never imagined this, but
    I think you should check your hormones. All the bi/gay guys offering me blowjobs or to hook me up with their female friends online had low T or/and high estrogen signs like wider hips, skinny fat and wanting to be sexually dominated by me. I'm glad that I never felt anything, I would meet them only to realize I get excited by taboo porn for the thrill and danger (I watched wanking in public videos) but in real life I feel nothing with guys. I guess I watched males wanking because I wanted to be that guy with the big dick wanking on the train seat. As I am shy, I enjoyed look pervs that have no shyness but I feel disgusted of doing anything with another guy.