Successful Reboot for the second time

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by LakeMichigan, Jul 10, 2018.

  1. LakeMichigan

    LakeMichigan Fapstronaut

    Hi Guys,
    I wanted to share my experience with you so that some of may find it useful in your journey

    First longest streak after two decades of self abuse was 17 months and when I relapsed I relapsed hard and I actually thought I will probably never get back up again and first streak was a fluke but I proved myself wrong.
    Unlike other people I didn't experience full benefits of reboot first time around. The reasons I can think of is depression. So for some of you that is something to think about if your "motivation" levels are not improving even after the reboot you might want to consider that you may be undergoing some kind of clinical depression phase and you may want to seek out some real help.
    This time around I was able to experience improvement in sensitivity to the feelings quickly and in general sense of well being as well.

    Here are a few things that helped me on this journey

    -Coming here on a regular basis really helped me
    -Keeping nofap as a top commitment really helps. Top commitment doesn't mean a lot of time spent on it but you have to plan things around keeping you sober.
    -I probably spent 40 minutes on either reading a book related to addiction or on here almost every day in the beginning of the streak.
    -Watching my alcohol in take in the beginning also helped me but I am noticing that my "tolerance" increased but alcohol nevertheless increases my desire next day or two.
    -There will be a couple of difficult "testing periods" for any streak! Having an accountability partner helped the last time but this time I just used the forum and made some frequent and honest posts especially around when I was moving to new apartment.
    - You can tell when the addictive brain is in control vs non addictive one after accumulating a few weeks and when you notice the switch you have to put a greater effort to gain control. This effort becomes easier as the time passes but acknowledging the switch is really important.
    I think one thing I noticed this time around is my motivation can only last for a limited amount of time and I have to keep motivating my self almost everyday until I crossed 50 day mark or so but I know I may still have to keep reminding my self frequently for a long time to come.

    I hope some of you find this useful!
  2. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut

    Bravo! You may find that your depression eases even further over the next year. Google this page:

    *Is porn making my social anxiety/confidence/depression/OCD worse?* (on YourBrainOnPorn website)
  3. LakeMichigan

    LakeMichigan Fapstronaut

    I will check it out. Thanks!