Stop calling it "masturbation" or "jerking off", call it as it is - "stroking dick"

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by ultrafabber, Aug 22, 2019.

  1. Enwar

    Enwar Fapstronaut

    Your profile status indicates that you don't just simply not condemn it. You clearly are a fan of it, and are defending it for that reason, but my only point is that this is not the right section to do it in, because people come here to learn how to abstain from masturbation, not to be tempted to do it. It goes against the purpose of this section.

    Ultrafabber's argument is that masturbation you shouldn't masturbate because it's gay, and it's gay because you're stroking a penis. Even if his argument is wrong, it's pretty straightforward, and so I don't see why the reasoning isn't understandable. This is probably a trifling over word choice, though; I suspect that when you say that his reasoning is not understandable, you mean that it is false, and he is wrong; or maybe it wasn't plainly enough stated in the original post.

    I never said that the proof that most men are disgusted by homosexuality is that they call each other fags as an insult. I used this as an example along with a different one, although I should have made that clear. Nevertheless, when you call someone a "p*****" (I very much dislike writing or saying that word), you are calling him a "bitch" in a more extreme a shocking way, by referring to the woman's genitals. When you call a man a "fag", it's exactly what it sounds like. They are different types of insults, although, once again, I was only using that as an example. You're the only person that I've spoken about this subject with or heard speak about it that didn't accept that most men are disgusted by homosexuality.

    P.S. After reading your quotations of my post, I realized how many grammatical errors that I made.
  2. IR254

    IR254 Fapstronaut

    I suggest you get off your high horse, dude. How arrogant must one be to assume he knows better what another person "is a big fan of", when they say otherwise. So, let me get this clear again: I'm not "a big fan" of masturbation. Yes, I do it sometimes. Yes, I don't think it's the devil. Yes, it can be hurtful. Yes, there are legit reasons not to do it. Yes, there are legit reasons to do it. Yes, people should freely decide for themselves.

    That being said, the section description includes the sentence "General masturbation discussion can go here too.". This is exactly what I did.

    I know. And that's exactly what I consider rubbish.

    Then I suggest you get out of your bubble sometimes. And you still haven't provided any evidence for that assumption either. Your "example" doesn't proof anything at all, like you just said yourself.
    need4realchg likes this.
  3. Enwar

    Enwar Fapstronaut

    If you insist that you aren't a fan of masturbation, then alright. But your profile status still says otherwise. It isn't about being on a high horse, it's about making a deduction based on how you described masturbation for yourself in your status. Once again, though, this isn't really important.

    Concerning your second paragraph, it was, like I said, just word choice that caused the confusion. I accept that you don't believe that masturbation is homosexual.

    Finally, I don't live in a bubble. And how do you want me to prove that most men are disgusted by homosexuality?

    This conversation has mostly gotten personal, though, and so it's no longer productive.
  4. Wayne Kest

    Wayne Kest Fapstronaut

    Does it really matter that much lol. Different perspective, but it's nothing to get upset over. It's simply his opinion. Whatever the case may be, we came here to stop touching it, period. We can call it a beatMeat sesh, but the point is to refrain from touching it.
    Enwar likes this.
  5. This is a bewildering thread. I PMOD for decades and I’m not attracted to people of my same sex at all.

    I’d also like to go on record that it’s sad to see someone saying that homosexuality is disgusting or wrong.
    IR254 likes this.
  6. Kizd4AFool

    Kizd4AFool Fapstronaut

    This is sad. Intimacy with a real
    person is so much better than masturbation...yet increasing people are masturbating instead of putting in the effort to make a real human connection.
    Enwar and Deleted Account like this.
  7. I wonder if lesbian porn can turn gay men straight
  8. need4realchg

    need4realchg Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Using ultrafabs reasoning , masturbating a woman (as a woman) will induce them to become lesbians.

    What about a trans (man) with breasts? Does masturbating while having breasts make them lesbian, bisexual, trans, or gay?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. No, I mean using his reasoning, a gay man watching two women’s private parts could turn him straight
    Advocate109 likes this.
  10. Calling it "Stroking Dick" would just turn me on, and make me want to stroke my dick more, but I'm gay, so there is that lol.
    need4realchg likes this.
  11. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    my cousin calls it, murdering your babies lol
  12. Get_It

    Get_It Fapstronaut

    I prefer the term "beatin off".
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Ultrafabber, we've all "Stroked Dick" here, including you. Have you ever watched gay porn, or thought about stroking a dick that's not yours, while stroking dick? Nothing to be ashamed of, just thought it would be relevant information to the discussion.
  14. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    a guy playing with penis even if its his own is hella gay bro
    ultrafabber likes this.
  15. ultrafabber

    ultrafabber Fapstronaut

    No, however i did notice that the mere thought of grabbing my penis feels good in my HAND and that i can't have normal sex because something (holding onto dick) feels like it's missing. That's why i am saying that masturbation conditions one to need dick to orgasm.
  16. If this were true, I would be getting A LOT more dates, hahaha!
    Advocate109 and {Ananta} like this.
  17. Well you do need dick to orgasm if you're male. An orgasm would be pretty difficult for a guy to achieve if he didn't have a dick...
    Advocate109 likes this.
  18. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    so your telling im the only guy in the boat who only has to view hardcore p, and able to O with out touching myself
  19. Advocate109

    Advocate109 Fapstronaut

    Its pretty commonly agreed upon by psychologists and people who study sexuality that you're born gay strait or bi and theres no changing that
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    if you base your life off a psychologist you can get yourself in trouble, its a good thing god gave us all the a brain, i can play some psychological stuff too, male takes a walk and sees female he gets regular arousal, he keeps walking ,male sees other fit male(appears possibly richer) he becomes more intense arousal, the psychogical aspect of it is, not its not because hes gay its because he needs to be more aroused so he can out reproduce with the female more then the other male can, to further survival of our male species ,