"Sleep-by-10:30pm, wakeup-by-6:45am" 6 nights per week challenge!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by RogerW, Oct 13, 2017.

  1. RogerW

    RogerW Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Inspired by 2525, and his advice of sleeping earlier to further avoid fapping, I have decided to start this challenge.

    1. Much more energy
    2. Healthier and younger skin
    3. Restore skinny face from fapping for years
    4. Brain rest and recharge
    5. HGH growth
    6. Much more productive
    7. My life back

    1. Be home by 9 pm
    2. In bed by 10:15 pm
    3. Exercise early every night
    4. Absolutely no electronic devices at home
    5. Post sleep chart from fitbit everyday

    I have been sleeping past 1 am for years and I certainly remember the benefits and how it felt like having a great night sleep. I can even imagine how it will feel like doing this 6 days in a row. I will allow 1 day of buffer or relaxation in a week. I will conquer this!!!!

    I really like this awesome community! Achieving almost a week with nofap by joining the 7-day challenge created by 2525 gave me the confidence to achieve more! Thank you 2525, thank you Nofap forum and thank you for the support from all members!

    You are more than welcome to join me and comment on my plan or anything else.

    Here we go!

    Last edited: Oct 13, 2017
    tryHARDJ3H and Cullengado like this.
  2. RogerW

    RogerW Fapstronaut NoFap Defender


    11:23pm and 7:09am, coming closer to my goal now! Let's do this!

    Height Exercise also completed 1 on 10/19.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    I've done this every day for 2 years, and it's spectacular how much it helps, not only against PMO, but in actually getting your life straightened out.

    Now, my schedule's all over the place as I do grave shifts at times, but this challenge is definitely worth it.
    pranav02 likes this.
  4. FriendlyCanadian

    FriendlyCanadian Fapstronaut

    Nice! Glad it's working out for you!

    I'm naturally more a morning person and not much of a night person so I'm usually in bed by 10pm at the latest and I wake up around 6/7am. I find I am much more rested when I do that then if I do stay up too late. My mood overall is just so much better when I get a good nights sleep.
    RogerW likes this.
  5. RogerW

    RogerW Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Wow, it's very encouraging to see somebody else achieved this for 2 years already. Can you share a little bit of how you made the transition? I have trouble making it to bed on time especially adding working out at night.
    MLMVSS likes this.
  6. RogerW

    RogerW Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Awesome, I so want to do what you are doing now -- going to bed by 10pm every night. Can you share a little of how you do this?
    FriendlyCanadian likes this.
  7. FriendlyCanadian

    FriendlyCanadian Fapstronaut

    Sure! I'm naturally a light sleeper so my doc prescribed sleeping medication for me. Maybe you might need to do the same, maybe not but you can definitely talk to your doctor about it. The sleeping meds he has given me knocks me right out and gives me a good deep sleep. He tells me to take the med 1 hour before I go to bed so I usually take it around 9pm.

    I also do a quick yoga class before I go to bed. I do yoga online on those subscribed yoga sites. I do Yoga about twice a day and the night time yoga classes that the site offers also helps relax my mind and gives me a good night's sleep.

    I hope this has helped you a bit :)
    MLMVSS likes this.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    For me, the main reason I couldn't get up early was because I always stayed up too late. I gradually went to bed earlier until I was lights out at 10PM. If I couldn't sleep before then, I did something that would stimulate me towards that path, whether it was calming music or a little meditation session in bed.

    Starting it at first can be rough, but eventually it'll be like clockwork, and you'll be used to it.
  9. RogerW

    RogerW Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Great story! Thanks for sharing. I will also try to take melatonin 1 hour before bed then.

    I started to run in the morning and exercise in the evening now because I find I still a lot of urges as time pass with only night time work out. How long do you do your yoga?
    FriendlyCanadian likes this.
  10. RogerW

    RogerW Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Very interesting, thanks for sharing. Me too, I stayed up till 2am most of the time and sometimes till sunrise, which were horrible. Sometimes, I tried too hard and tried to go from that to sleeping before 10pm and it just didn't work. I have learned to take it step by step and focus on just sleep for now. Not sleep early and this and that.

    where did you get your music?
    MLMVSS likes this.
  11. RogerW

    RogerW Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Half an hour closer to my goal!!!!!!!!

    1. I actually slept at 10:42pm and got up at 6:45pm last night and this morning. This had never happened for a very long time.

    2. One step at a time and not go too far at a time, it's better to be consistently good than great for 2 days and horrible for 2 days.
    So, let's go!!!

    3. Also, I got up and run for 20 mins, it felt great! The adrenaline and dopamine! I love it! I need to add this to my routine because I still had a lot of strong urges as I heal with only my night time exercise. So from now on, 20 mins running in the morning and working out at night.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] IMG_1637.PNG IMG_1638.PNG
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017
    D-Mystifier likes this.
  12. FriendlyCanadian

    FriendlyCanadian Fapstronaut

    I do 45 min yoga classes about 4 days a week. They say after doing yoga for 3 weeks straight you will start to see positive benefits from it.
    RogerW likes this.
  13. Pranav1486

    Pranav1486 Fapstronaut

    I am in from tonight, thanks
  14. RogerW

    RogerW Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Awesome, thanks for sharing!
    FriendlyCanadian likes this.
  15. RogerW

    RogerW Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Great to have you here! Let's do this! Look forward to your update.
  16. RogerW

    RogerW Fapstronaut NoFap Defender


    Last night was a major setback!
    Bedtime at 4:19am, woke up at 12:08pm. Horrible!
    1. Talk to people over the phone extensively because of lonliness driving back home. Just can't stop even after getting home.

    1. Delete those 3 people's contact info.
    2. Find funny things to listen on the way home.
    3. Find a place to move close, so no need to drive any more.
    4. Use k9 blocker, and hide long password somewhere else.

    Late bed time usually come with porn and fap.

    I will not give up!

    Prepare to attend one of my best friends' wedding Nov 19th.

    Good thing:
    Keep the height exercise for 3 days already! Do not stop! Keep going!!!!!!

    Attached Files:

  17. RogerW

    RogerW Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Slept at 11:12pm, woke up at 5am, cannot fell back into sleep. So looked at phone. Don't look at phone in the middle of the night. If tired, maybe read a book and take a shower.

    Yes, we can!

  18. RogerW

    RogerW Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    11:16pm, 8:36am.

    If arrive at gym later than 7:30pm, cut gym time in half, every item.

    Height Ex 5 days done! At day no. 6!

    Feeling good! IMG_D0731DE6E5A7-1.jpeg
  19. D-Mystifier

    D-Mystifier Fapstronaut

    Sleep and exercise are two great ways to stay healthy! The issue I have been having is poor sleep, brought on by anxiety. This has left me prone to using porn during the middle of the night. I feel this behavior is tied to my old belief that porn and ejaculation would help relax me and get me to sleep (something I adhered to for years, in my late teens early twentys). That being said, I still do maintain a regular sleep schedule, bed at 10-10:30pm, wake up at 6-6:30. My program for cycling has me training every morning at 6:45. Like you said the endorphins from working out are awesome!

    Currently, I am trying to find healthy substitutions for pornography, meditation (body scans, breathing, mindfulness) has proven to be the best so far, with some yoga and stretching as well.
  20. HegHeu

    HegHeu Fapstronaut

    Have you tried listening to podcasts every night?