Runaway Brain

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Spence33, Aug 23, 2018.

  1. Spence33

    Spence33 Fapstronaut

    So I am about to clear my two week mark. I have been talking to this girl before I started nofap. We were really hitting it off! Been on a few dates, talk almost everyday, she's told me she that she is excited to see me again to just get to know me better and spend time with me. Well I am not certain but I am willing to bet that I just got ghosted since we were supposed to meet up Sunday but she had to reschedule. I have been unable to get in touch with her since. My mind has been on a really fucked up high speed chase with me trying to catch it. I really thought I was past this charecter defect. I've been working on myself for almost 8 years now in AA. The only consistent thing in my head this week is "What the fuck is wrong with me". Am I the only one like this, am I just gonna have to suck it up and write off a meaningful relationship, should I be above this, what other options then "focus on yourself" ? I really need some insight here.
  2. MJHurt

    MJHurt New Fapstronaut

    Hey man, been there before myself. Was talking with this girl for like a week, went on a date and everything went swell, made out, and were going to go another date. Next thing I know she ghosts me and unfriends me on Facebook right after I saw she had a new relationship status with some guy. If she's the kind of girl that just ghosts you than consider yourself lucky she did so, she probably wasn't someone you want to be around long term. Nothing wrong with you man. As for the "write off a meaningful relationship," I would bet that's just the disappointment of being rejected and probably some anxiety/paranoina from recovering PMO. I've had your exact train of thought before friend. Look at this as a great opportunity to learn healthy coping habits and take it in stride, it's through hard times and struggles that help us a grow. Hopefully she either has a great reason why she fell of the face of the earth or this will be a funny story in the future of a crazy dating experience you once had.
  3. Spence33

    Spence33 Fapstronaut

    She ended up messaging me and said all the stuff she said about me was true but that she just wasn't ready to date yet.