Rewarding yourself with a treat after reaching a specific number

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by vlaw, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    BTW what's with all that "Real Men do that, real men do this crap???

    It's a word feminists and their supporters like to throw around. You will never see them talk about what's a REAL WOMAN is and should do!
  2. HOLY FCKN SHIT ABEL that's the exact picture that started it all for me. It's moving me deeply because I looked for it for a really long time but didn't found it. Thank you so much for posting it, I want to put it for my 1 year success story post. Holy hell I remember posting it on Facebook and I went to xhamster and deleted my account and the rest is History.
  3. NoJunk

    NoJunk Fapstronaut

    Well, porn is basically videotaped prostitution, two or more people having sex for money, without any attachment or love. I think that if you are against porn, you should also be against prostitution.

    But I used to think the same way as vlaw. I also thought that yeah, banging hookers would be so cool! But now I'm changed. But I can't tell what people should do with their bodies, in my opinion everybody should have a right to decide it.

    It's true that some people sell their bodies voluntarily, but that's a minority. Most of the people in porn or prostitution haven't chosen that life. Usually they are so broke, unemployed that having sex for money is the only opinion. And many prostitutes have a serious drug addiction and they need money to support it. And in worst cases, prostitutes are victims of a pimp and human trafficking. It isn't a pretty or free world. That's why I wouldn't ever pay for sex. And I think that many people who pay for sex aren't really aware of the dark sides of prostitutions. Or they try to deny them and claim that prostitutes are just women who express their sexuality freely. That couldn't be further from the reality...
  4. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    "But I can't tell what people should do with their bodies, in my opinion everybody should have a right to decide it."

    I agree. Live and let's live baby.

    "It's true that some people sell their bodies voluntarily, but that's a minority"

    Actually not true. Please don't let's bitter feminist hags like Harriet Harman decieve you.

    "And I think that many people who pay for sex aren't really aware of the dark sides of prostitutions"

    Again not true. I'm perfectly aware of the dark sides of the old profession...which is just a small/little part of it.
  5. NoJunk

    NoJunk Fapstronaut

    Well, i've never heard of Harriet Harman. But you are wrong anyways

    " In the UK a study showed that up to 95% of women in prostitution are problematic drug users, including around 78% heroin users and rising numbers of crack cocaine addicts.[1] Abuse is often suffered by prostitutes, more than half of UK women in prostitution have been raped and/or seriously sexually assaulted and at least three quarters have been physically assaulted.[2]"


    "A global study of prostitution found that 9 out of 10 women in prostitution would like to exit if they could"

    And then there is of course the sex trafficking business:

    And if Wikipedia isn't enough for you, here's something more:

    So do you still think that prostitution is ok?
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2014
  6. snrub

    snrub Fapstronaut


    Many people seem to have they're opinion about prostitutes but I won't go there. In some sense I even try not to have any opinions about you. I try to explain to you your situation as I see it. My aim is to help you. But it's up to you if this will change your habits.

    First of all, there is voice in your head. It want's to attach the truth and hide it. To keep it away. Only way how you can know if this text is spot on is if that voice in your head will attack against it. If it tries to say there is something wrong with what I explain and it's not real, well, then it's really real. Contemplate on this wall of text again and again instead of drowning in your thoughts and trying to rationalise why your situation is good and worth doing and shouldn't be chanced.

    Essentially what you are now doing is that you are trying to fulfil your desire and need to experience connection and unity with another human being at level of love and sexuality. You can't suppress that need so you view prostitutes as good replacements of real love. And not to become frustrated with this situation of "temporary paid love connection" you rationalise to yourself how it's worth doing because you have "good" reasons for doing it.

    What are you trying to hide and escape? What are your weaknesses when it comes to women and intimate relationships? What are you afraid? Now you are just trying to handle your sexual desire and frustration by rationalising limiting view on women. Western women nagging is your subjective, false sense of reality. You are not allowing yourself to experience love and life as it is because of your views. Why are women nagging to you? What is the meaning of it all? Maybe you should read books about sexual selection (mating mind, evolution of desire, sperm wars...)? Maybe instead of trying to change women you should aim to change yourself?

    Read David Deida's Way of the Superior Man. Now.

    “Your woman knows your weaknesses better than anybody. She knows where you will falter and give up. She knows the degree of mediocrity you will settle for. And, she knows your true capacity as a full man, a man of free consciousness and love. Her gift, if she is a good woman, is to test you with her darkest moods, over and over and over, until your consciousness is unperturbed by feminine challenge, and you are able to pervade her with your love, just as you are here to pervade the world. In response to your fearless consciousness, she will drench your world in love and light.”

    “The most loving women are the women who will test you the most. She wants you to be your fullest, most magnificent self. She won’t settle for anything less. She knows it is true of you. She knows in your deepest heart you are free, you are Shiva. Anything less than that she will torment. And, as you know, she’s quite good at it.”
  7. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    You do know anyone can write on wikipedia, right? Even primary school teachers usually remind their students at the end of a class.

    If you want to present your case against willing prostitution, you should get your source/research/data from a NON-baised site and not from some feminists/Anti-prositution/man-hating websites/forum/articules!

    "So do you still think that prostitution is ok"

    Still a capital YES!
  8. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    To be honest I did fall in love with one of the girls/prostitutes in south east Asian after she spend some nights with me back in july. I was in tears when I left the airport. She was the reason why I decided to stop PMO for good and go back to college to purse my career.

    You see I'm a 30 year old college drop out. If I ever decide to settle down with a girl, I want to be finiancally stable.

    Being ask "what do you do for a living" by a girl you love and not coming up with a straight/truthful answer really did a bad one on my emotional wellbeing. Funny enough I lied and told her the health care profession I'm currently trying/wanting to go into.
  9. NoJunk

    NoJunk Fapstronaut

    Did you even open links I posted? And in what way they are not valid information? Sure anybody can write in Wikipedia, but there are sources mentioned. As there are in the other links. And could you tell in what way the links promote "man-hating"? Could you be more specific? Or do you have any facts that debunk the information I gave? If you don't have, then your argument is only BS.

    But guess you have already made up your mind and you just can't accept any other information. Especially if that information would challenge your worldview. And I understand that, it's not easy to admit that own behaviour supports violence and abuse of women.

    Hope you'll realize someday what your lifestyle causes. Prostitution just isn't ok or fine. And being against it doesn't make me a "man-hater" or even a "feminist" (although I support gender equality). Being against prostitution is same as being against violence and criminality.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2014
  10. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    Just curious. Do you believe that feminists crap about women being paid less than 30cents than men in the west?

    Thanks, just want to know the mindset/type of Man (you) I'm dealing with here.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2014
  11. Titanium

    Titanium Fapstronaut

    A real genuine woman will love and support you. You don't have to lie about your job whatever it may be. You seem to have quite a confused idea about women, but it is only your beliefs about women it is in no way the truth. Find yourself a healthier reward.
  12. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    You are simply ignoring every point made here and just stating over and over again how it's ok. No counter arguments or valid points. Prostitution is weakness. If you want casual sex so bad why don't you have a one night stand with someone. At least it involves some effort...
  13. Forty Six & 2

    Forty Six & 2 Fapstronaut

    Just Yesterday night I saw a report on public television about prostitution in Central Europe. Since the borders have opened with the founding of the European Union, lots of women from the poorer Eastern European coutries are pushed by their own families to move to the wealthier countries in the west to support their families by "working" in the sex industry. This report was conducted by a guy, the only women you saw were washed up prostitutes in their early thirties from Romania who were mentally broken and infected with STDs.
    I would link to the film, but it isn't in English.
    So, In case you live in Europe chances are 100 % that you will become part of human trafficking on your 90th day and probably get some STDs.

    MKMMJAG Fapstronaut

    Enough with the feminist this feminist that! You are so hypnotized and hateful to a group that's not even commenting on this post. We are all normal people not "feminists" that are telling you how worthless it is for you to be with a prostitute on day 90, whats the point of even quitting. Prostitutes don't want to have sex with you, they do it for money and all you do it for is for pleasure. 5 seconds of Real Love is worth more than all the prostitutes and porn in the world and I truly hope, and pray that you realize that someday.
  15. Caveat Emptor

    Caveat Emptor Distinguished Fapstronaut

    This is a wonderful line, and I thank you for it. :)
  16. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    "5 seconds of Real Love is worth more than all the prostitutes and porn in the world"

    I agree with you on that...after falling in love with one of the girls that spend some nights with me in south east Asian.

    MKMMJAG Fapstronaut

    So you're telling me that you fell in love with a prostitute? And she consented? And you did not pay her? Well I guess that's love, but its not. Because if you were really in love with this supposed women from South East Asia then you wouldn't waste away that love on a prostitute. Wait, is the girl from south east asia the same girl that you are going to "treat" yourself to on day 90? Well in that case that furthers my point that you are not in love because you call her a prostitute. If you truly loved her you wouldn't call her prostitute, and it seems that you only love her for the sex. In either case from my belief, it doesn't look like love.
  18. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    "So you're telling me that you fell in love with a prostitute?"

    Yes. I was in tears when I left the airport.

    "And you did not pay her?"

    Of course I did. You pay them to leave.

    "if you were really in love with this supposed women from South East Asia then you wouldn't waste away that love on a prostitute"

    Well I'm usually only in south east Asian for like I don't have the TIME/patient to chase non-p4p girls. If I was semi-retired/retired/staying more than two months... then I can have the TIME/patient to date non-p4p girls aka non-prostitutes!

    "Wait, is the girl from south east asia the same girl that you are going to "treat" yourself to on day 90?"

    No they are two different girls. The girl I'm planing to visit temporary lives here in the west. She's Korean.

    "it seems that you only love her for the sex"

    I think you mean the one in south east Asian. No not true. Like I said I was in tears when I left the airport. A first for me. She's everything I imagine/want my ideal wife/girlfriend to be/have. Funny, beautiful and so on.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2014
  19. Vision

    Vision Fapstronaut

    True love implies commitment.
    "Porno-graphy" simply means "prostitution-writing".

    BTW: I know of two cases of men who married former prostitutes (one Thai and one Czech). (But I haven't seen them in years, so I don't know how they are doing recently). This is not to justify what VLAW is doing but rather pointing out that even he and his Korean may be "saved".
  20. Vision

    Vision Fapstronaut

    But back to the question: "Rewarding yourself with a treat after reaching a specific number?"

    I am thinking about it right now as my chances of success are increasing. Any advice? Maybe just lazy doing, enjoying the new freedom?