Peeked at porn today and went on a binge. Need some advice?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by skaterdrew, Jul 22, 2019.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    I was on a 7 day streak of no PMO, and today for some reason I peeked at porn. This lead me to feeling really sexually exited and I kept turning it off and then turning it back on again. Before I knew it I was masturbating to it, and then I went on a binge where I PMOed 2 times in basically 7 hours. Not the entire 7 hours, but it was in that sort of time period. The sessions lasted between 2 and 3 hours anyway.

    The way I see it is this is ridiculous behaviour. Relapsing ending up on porn because you're really horny and then PMOing ejaculating in 5-10 minutes maybe that could be understood to some extent. But not having hour long PMO sessions. The thing is I was ready to ejaculate within 5 minutes of jacking off to the porn. But what I seem to do is when I am nearly ready to ejaculate I stop my self and then start PMOing again and keep doing this for hours. In my opinion this isn't relieving a sexual urge, it's getting a dopamine fix. I think the reason I do this is because the longer and more content I keep searching and finding while masturbating, the more dopamine that constantly keeps releasing in my brain. In my opinion this is causing my brain to be sky high with dopamine. This isn't natural having this level of dopamine in the brain. This is an addiction, a dopamine fix.

    The worry is when I relapse I don't just relapse. I always seem to binge when I relapse. It's like I don't want the pleasure to end.
  2. I will recommend what i recommend everyone else, ditch all sources of the internet and your electronics, once you are away from them for 3 months you really realize just how much you dont need any of it, that is what i did and i am 100% rebooted and porn free now, its not an easy route to travel down but it is one that if taken almost completely will guarantee success, the real question is how bad do you want to be free and what are you willing to give up in exchange for that freedom?, its not permanent, i as you can see am back on my technology and i have no temptation at all, so if you can control yourself for 3 months you will not only be able to go back to technology but you will go back porn free, its up to you.
    Ogikubo likes this.
  3. Hros

    Hros Fapstronaut

    Try getting some kind of internet blocker and give the password only to someone who you know won't give it to you.