New Year is Clean this time

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by fthis6464, Jan 1, 2019.

  1. fthis6464

    fthis6464 Fapstronaut

    I'm using the 1st of the year as a marker beyond which I will never PMO again. 2019 is going to be a great year, and this bad habit that keeps haunting me will be over with. I'm in my early 20s and have been PMOing since a young teenager when I discovered porn. I'm basically a functioning addict, and have varied from doing multiple times a day to a few days a week at best.

    I'm christian and this is all against my religion which makes it worse in addition to everything else negative about it.

    I just want to be done with this and be free never to rely on it again. I have a girlfriend and am very happy and plan to get married this year which is a huge reason I want to quit. She deserves better than this and would be absolutely traumatized if she found out I do this.

    I PMO'ed yesterday and have resisted today. I'll be posting a daily report, and also am going to post some of the things that have helped. I've been trying hard to quit this for years. This time I will succeed. I am an avid learner, and have read a lot on this subject and plan to make some posts of the most valuable tricks/techniques that I have come across. In fact I have joined this community after reading about the positive effects a community has in The Willpower Instinct. I need to be held accountable.

    Thanks y'all.
  2. Latinmixedboy

    Latinmixedboy Fapstronaut

    It takes s great deal to accept is a addiction and trust me the more days u stay strong the best ,is not easy at the beginning but is worth it ...we are here for the long haul..I’m on my 20 day and feel great ,today has been one hell of the day cuz I’m back to be by myself again and my mind tricking me to Fap now that I’m alone but is a struggle u deal every day with your demons but at least we are not alone in this journey ..welcome to the forum :)
  3. fthis6464

    fthis6464 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the kind words sir. 20 days is a great accomplishment and I hope to follow in the same fashion.
  4. Latinmixedboy

    Latinmixedboy Fapstronaut

    Welcome ! And stay strong One day at the time
  5. Ikewins

    Ikewins Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing man. I'm aiming for the same thing this year and I just know you're going to have you're breakthrough. I believe in you!!