My situation

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, May 7, 2017.

  1. So here is my situation

    I had a long distance girlfriend (she was American and I'm British btw) for some time and she was my first ever girlfriend but a few months back she reluctantly broke up with me.

    She knew I was on NoFap and she didn't masturbate at all and she understood why I was on it.

    But now that she is gone and the friends I have think that NoFap is not worth it or don't understand why it's important to me and so this is becoming an obstacle that I can't overcome. I know the whole "it comes from within" but sometimes you can't face things alone which is why I'm here in the first place.

    She was the only one and now I have nothing.

    help me out!
  2. KeZhengHao

    KeZhengHao Fapstronaut

    Hey bro! Got me! And I'm in China! So I mean, distance isn't better but still. Try to explain it to your friends more or go out and get some new friends, at 19 you probably just graduated highschool. (I mean that's how it works in the US anyways) Half of those friends will probably just disappear over the next couple years anyways because life will happen.