My 21 day challenge. Connecting with god and letting go.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by NewWorld110, Feb 23, 2019.

  1. NewWorld110

    NewWorld110 Fapstronaut

    I have recently completed the 14 day nofap challenge. Today I start the the 21 day nofap challenge.
    At the same time I have decided to start another challenge for myself. I want to try to make more connection with god. Also I want to let go of the self-talking and useless thoughts and worries.

    So, in these 21 days, I want to pause my mind and talk to god instead.
    At least 50 times a day, I want to stop myself in the middle of useless thoughts and say something like "god, at this moment I want to do the thing that you may want me to do. I will let go of every fear or judgement and do the right action for this moment."

    I will count every time I do this, so that at the end of the day I can report the number of times I have connected myself to god and freed my mind.
    Hopefully I reach more than 1000 times at the end of 21 days.
    I hope this kind if experiment leads to a calmer and more meaningful life.

    So lets start. Day0.
    Best wishes to all.
  2. Issah

    Issah Fapstronaut

    That is so beautiful, like reprogramming your mind to rely on God more instead of thinking negative thoughts.

    I'll try something similar too. But i won't post daily.

    How you going to record the number? A little book, your phone?

    Hopefully by day 20 it'll be easier cos in the beginning itll be hella hard to switch. But all the best, you got this.
    Z . N . likes this.
  3. NewWorld110

    NewWorld110 Fapstronaut

    Thanks Issah for your support. I really appreciate that.
  4. NewWorld110

    NewWorld110 Fapstronaut

    Day 1.
    Yesterday: 64 time I puased my mind as described above.

    It was a good experience. The main benefit was that I knew why I am working hard during the day. It makes my life more meaningful and keeps me in right direction.
    Also I realised that maybe letting go of worries may not be enough but it would be more helpful if I add a positive thought or say something positive to myself.
    I think the start point of such experiment might be easy because I have the motivation but keeping it up until 21st day might be hard. Anyway I will update the situation here.
  5. NewWorld110

    NewWorld110 Fapstronaut

    Day 2
    Yesterday: 54 time pausing and connecting to god.
    Total: 118 time.

    So far I have reached my daily targets. I like to try and keep myself relax and mindful after each of these pausing moments as much as I can.
    I should remind myself that outside world situation is never that much important to lose my self-centre and lose my trust to god. Sometimes instead of finding solution for unnecessary issues, it is better to trust and accept whatever it is.
  6. NewWorld110

    NewWorld110 Fapstronaut

    Day 3
    Yesterday: 20 time pausing and connecting to god
    Total: 138

    Not good enough for yesterday. But still trying.
  7. make_change

    make_change Fapstronaut

    Great Work ! Connecting with God and seeking his power is the biggest strength one can have to recovery in my opinion. Just recognizing that he is the ultimate power can go along way.
    NewWorld110 likes this.
  8. NewWorld110

    NewWorld110 Fapstronaut

    Thank you very much make_change.
  9. NewWorld110

    NewWorld110 Fapstronaut

    Day 6

    Last few days I was on a business trip and did not have time to post here. Also I could not reach my 50 times goal. I could not count it. I think I paused my overthinking about 15 times a day. So 45 times in last 3 days.

    Total: 183 time pausing and connecting to god and letting go of judgements, expectations, fears and over thinking.

    I think maybe if I change my target to smaller one (20 times a day), I can reach my daily target and become motivated for higher targets.

    So the target is 20 time daily pause and 420 times in 21 days. At least this is doable. Keeping up until the end of challenge is more important to me than aiming very high.
  10. davidx

    davidx Fapstronaut

    Wow what a simple approach to reconnecting with God - good for you.

    I have often tried to capture my thoughts but this is a great idea - maybe someone else will grab onto this too. Ill put it into practice too just in a practical sense no specific count or goal approach but just to form the habit.

  11. NewWorld110

    NewWorld110 Fapstronaut

    Thanks davidx.
  12. NewWorld110

    NewWorld110 Fapstronaut

    Day 7: 17 times
    Day 8: about 30 times
    Day 9: about 21 times

    Total: 251 times pausing and connecting to god.
  13. NewWorld110

    NewWorld110 Fapstronaut

    Day 10: 17 times

    Total: 268 times pausing and connecting to god
  14. NewWorld110

    NewWorld110 Fapstronaut

    Day 11: about 20 times.
    Tot: 288 times pausing and connecting to god.
  15. NewWorld110

    NewWorld110 Fapstronaut

    Day 12: 18 times
    Total: 306 times pausing and connecting to god
  16. NewWorld110

    NewWorld110 Fapstronaut

    Day 13: 12 times
    Total: 318 times pausing and connecting to god.
  17. NewWorld110

    NewWorld110 Fapstronaut

    Day 14: about 10 times

    Total:328 times pausing and connecting to god.
  18. NewWorld110

    NewWorld110 Fapstronaut

    Dayb15: about 5 times pausing and connecting to god.
    Total: 333 times.
    These days I am not taking this seriously. Somehow I am not that much motivated like the first days and I am not sure if it is the right method or not. These recent days because of not pausing my thoughts, somehow negative thoughts have become stronger. So I should try better in these few days to the end of my person challenge. Just sticking to it to the end of 21 day and evaluate myself at the end.
  19. NewWorld110

    NewWorld110 Fapstronaut

    Day 16: about 15 times.

    Total: 348 times pausing and connecting to god.
  20. NewWorld110

    NewWorld110 Fapstronaut

    Day 17. About 10 times pausing and connecting to god.

    Total: 358 times.
    Yesterday I was worried and angry about something related to my job. Maybe if I could take this pausing and connecting to god more seriously I could reduce the self talking and negative thought.